I dont know if you know that Logic gives you the oportunity to define your unique microtunings; but you still have just 12 pitches per octave and it just works with logics own plug ins (whats simply stupid!)
So, if you want more pitches, you have to realize them with pitch bendings.
That works pretty good with the "simple" microtunings like in quarter- and sixth- tone tunings, because you simply have to divide 128 per 2 or per 3.
It becomes naturally more confusing, if you want to work with more complex microtonal concepts, like the ekmelic- music does for example.
So, if you want more pitches, you have to realize them with pitch bendings.
That works pretty good with the "simple" microtunings like in quarter- and sixth- tone tunings, because you simply have to divide 128 per 2 or per 3.
It becomes naturally more confusing, if you want to work with more complex microtonal concepts, like the ekmelic- music does for example.