Well, Dietz, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Just set up my little Mediadesk 2.1 set and so far am VERY impressed! I still have to tweak around, get the sub in the right place, and so on, but on a quick first listen I'm very pleased.
Also, Nick, I think your acoustic treatment idea (okay, not exactly yours, but promoted by you) is really pretty brilliant as well. I've pretty heavily treated my front wall, behind the speakers, and left the sides clear of anything. The floors are carpeted, and I've done a small amount of treatment on the ceiling. But I have to say that the stereo image is _considerably_ wider than the position of the speakers themselves. I can only explain by your room treatment method... I've just listened to an Aphex Twin with a slow, circular pan at the low bass level, and I swear the bloody thing made a _wide_ circle around the entire room!!! (okay, it's a small room, but I've never had these "surround on two speakers" things work before -- impressed.)
okay... too excited... got to go play some more.
cheers and thanks again, Dietz and Nick.