Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • So there is no chance to get the box if you decide to buy an part of it today? [:'(]

    So I have to wait till iam able to buy the hole box [:|]

  • There will be a "big box solution" if you'd like to have it.


  • Thats sounds great but what does it mean in detail [:D]

  • boxes bleeghh [:D] ... i chuck em as soon as i've emptied them

    i'm more interested to see if VSL sort out this terrible pricing crap for us VIP longtime users..


  • yes .......... but I want to buy the Instruments Seperately and dont want to set a cute beautyful Box aside.

    Iam not able to Kill such cute little boxes [:'(]

  • Perhaps they send you the box when you purchased the 10th midule with have the other 9 previously registered... Something like that is imaginable for me.

  • That would be graat!!! ... otherwise Ill ask them [:D]

  • 1. Find a box (ANY box) you like the look of.

    2. Get hold of one roll of aluminum kitchen foil (as used to wrap around chickens and fish when baking).

    3. Carefully wrap the foil around the box, taking care to not get any fingerprints on the foil.

    4. Install the box on your shelf, in amongst your other sample libraries.

    5. Sit back and bask in a glow of contentment, knowing that you are the envy of all your friends AND that you've just saved $10k!


  • Maybe, someone from VSL could sell an empty box to Rap-Rookies, if it's what matters the most to him…

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    @Another User said:

    Maybe, someone from VSL could sell an empty box to Rap-Rookies, if it's what matters the most to him…

    that would be nice.