Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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185,629 users have contributed to 42,399 threads and 255,547 posts.

In the past 24 hours, we have 3 new thread(s), 12 new post(s) and 48 new user(s).

  • If you're right, and it IS a new "intelligent" performance tool, I hope that it will be:

    a) sold separately (or even made available free of charge to customers), and

    b) perfectly compatible with the Pro Edition

    Wouldn't that be nice!

  • I think VSL team should reveal this right now. What if tomorrow the world comes to an end or we are invaded by UFO's? This will really be a bummer for VSL.

  • Guy,
    You really need to come back to reality.

    If the world ends tomorrow it won't matter, and if we're invaded by UFO's they'll have to wait in the queue and pay in Euros like everyone else.




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    @hermitage59 said:

    You really need to come back to reality.

    If the world ends tomorrow it won't matter, and if we're invaded by UFO's they'll have to wait in the queue and pay in Euros like everyone else...


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    @paulhenrysmith said:

    a) sold separately (or even made available free of charge to customers)

    i'd just like to point out the performance tool has been always free of charge to customers (who we preferre to call users, btw)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • hello everyone!

    I think the words in the flash movie have been taken from this advertisment.

    Do you find your vienna dvds and boxes are always in the way? Is studio space at a premium where you work. Do you sometimes wish there was a better way to store your vienna purchases? Perhaps you live with someone who uses vienna and you wish he didn't leave those dvds just lying around on the floor for you to trip up on! Oh no!

    Well, here at vsl laboratories we know how you feel - and so that's why we've developed the complete vsl STACKING system to solve all your vienna physical media storage problems. That's right! IT"S NOT A DREAM! And you could have it in your studio! Worried you won't be able to wall mount it? - well don't because it's EASY! it comes in various sizes to hold opus1 all the way up to pro edition and it's modular so you can add VIP UPGRADES when you need to!

    Available in stores in 10 DAYS, just in time for xmas! So buy the all new vsl STACKING system the perfect xmas gift.


  • The number 24 has appeared. So now we know it's either a copy of series 1-4 of '24' signed by Kiefer Sutherland, or SC really is 24-bit.

    I know which one my money's on (although a signed copy of 24 would be nice [:)] )

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    @Mobius said:

    The number 24 has appeared. So now we know it's either a copy of series 1-4 of '24' signed by Kiefer Sutherland, or SC really is 24-bit.

    I know which one my money's on (although a signed copy of 24 would be nice [:)] )

    I hope the 16 bit are STILL available - I have enough PC's now!!!!


  • I can't sleep !!! my eyes are like this [[:|]] in front of my screen. Numbers, words ... in my head. I need to go in my bed but I can't ! [[;)]]

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can't sleep !!! my eyes are like this [[:|]] in front of my screen. Numbers, words ... in my head. I need to go in my bed but I can't ! [[;)]]

    Counting 'sheep' in 5/4 usually helps me [:P]


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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can't sleep !!! my eyes are like this [[:|]] in front of my screen. Numbers, words ... in my head. I need to go in my bed but I can't ! [[[;)]]]

    Get rid of those numbers and words, go to bed, and start thinking sheep. That's what we do in Scotland.

    Mind you, that's maybe a different thread.

    On a different forum.


  • [[:D]] [[;)]] [[:D]]

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    @Guy said:

    I think VSL team should reveal this right now. What if tomorrow the world comes to an end or we are invaded by UFO's? This will really be a bummer for VSL.

    My music is being invaded by LFOs, is that kinda the same thing?

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    @paulhenrysmith said:

    a) sold separately (or even made available free of charge to customers)

    i'd just like to point out the performance tool has been always free of charge to customers (who we preferre to call users, btw)

    Excellent. (And, I agree, "users" is a better term ... it captures a bit of the addiction we feel, at least in english it does, as you can see by how crazed we are about getting our next "fix." [[;)]]

  • This just in the news!!

    UFO'S have landed on our planet, we don't know what they want but they seem to be extremely dangerous! We don't know much, except that they are repeatedly saying:"We want the cube! We want the cube!"

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    @Guy said:

    This just in the news!!

    UFO'S have landed on our planet, we don't know what they want but they seem to be extremely dangerous! We don't know much, except that they are repeatedly saying:"We want the cube! We want the cube!"

    Resistance is futile?">

  • JC5,

    Cool cube!! [:)] [:D] [:D]

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    @Guy said:


    Cool cube!! [:)] [:D] [:D]

    My all - time favourite tennis player.

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can't sleep !!! my eyes are like this [[:|]] in front of my screen. Numbers, words ... in my head. I need to go in my bed but I can't ! [[[;)]]]

    Counting 'sheep' in 5/4 usually helps me [[:P]]


    OK, I've try it but what's the best to count sheep in 5/4 : 2+3/4 or 3+2/4 ? [[:P]] [[[;)]]]

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can't sleep !!! my eyes are like this [[:|]] in front of my screen. Numbers, words ... in my head. I need to go in my bed but I can't ! [[[[;)]]]]

    Counting 'sheep' in 5/4 usually helps me [[:P]]


    OK, I've try it but what's the best to count sheep in 5/4 : 2+3/4 or 3+2/4 ? [[:P]] [[[[;)]]]]

    That's easy - think Lalo Schiffrin's "Mission Impossible" Theme. 3+2/4 is a much better melatonin inducing time signature [[[[;)]]]]
