The "London Orchestral Percussion" has great anvil samples, from several real anvils, not hammers. They have the best anvil samples I've heard. The VSL "hammers" are literally large hammers (sledgehammers) being stuck (if I remember correctly.) Either way, they sound completely different than anvils, and are probably not what you are looking for.
@Dietz said:
What we named correctly "Rails" in our Percussion-set is actually used instead of anvils in a musical context, AFAIK. In the end, its just another huge piece of metal ;-]
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
Actual anvils are used in America, not rails - FYI. The only substitute are occasionally brake drums, which are literally a car's brake drum. Hey, I just noticed the homonyms - drum, drum - get it? [:)] I was not aware that rails were used in Vienna instead of anvils - why is this? Is the sound prefered?
One of the percussion houses in West London hires out various alternatives - they have several sizes of proper blacksmith's anvil, but also lengths of railway track, scaffolding and brake drums.
The VSL library has brake drums, springs and rails - i seem to remember a discussion when the Pro Edition first came out about a concert Percussionist who refused to carry around an actual anvil, and brought with him the alternatives instead.
All variations are struck with a metal hammer, and produce a high-pitched ring. To get the *BIG* Don Davis hits that you hear in the Matrix, you need to combine the high with mid and low - for instance, a bass drum and field drum. I'm talking 'percussion hit' - not just anvils/rails, to get anything other than a weedy sound...
Occasionally, I use the G-Town anvils, although the site still seems to be down
blimey PolarBear - you've dug back a Looong way... I didn't even realise that the topic was originally mine. Nice use of 'search', and also the correction to the story. Inaccurate journalism! I should work for the UK press... [[;)]]
thanks for the GTown update - always found that collection useful.
For a composer seeking Anvil, Break Drums suck. I just had to interject that. I think percussionists who use Break Drums are criminal. Get a f****** Anvil you cowards. Nobody wants to hear a wimpy "tink". Give me the sound of someone wielding a sword on an 400lb Anvil. That's what we composer's all want anyway. We don't choose big heavy metal clanking sounds cause we want a Triangle. Maybe Mahler might have been interested in the subtle blending that a Brake Drum could provide, I don't know. But I do know this:
Break Drums ... SUCK.
Evan Evans