After trying for such a long time without success I got a few questions for brass arrangement (in this case for a pop/dance produktion):
1. Should I use the VSL instruments? Or do U recomend other libaries, e.g. Killer Horns.
2. How do I place the different instruments? Example: I want to program a simple chord in C-major.
a) Should every Instrument play the whole chord?
b) Wich instrument should play which note (e.g. tenor sax on C4, trombone ensemble on C3???)
c) Which instrument should be doubled?
d) Should I use different panning?
e) Which effects do U recomend?
3. Anyone knowing "Lola´s theme"- Shapeshifters: I really like the Trumpet (Brass?) in the hook-line. Could anyone explain for idiots, how to program this (instruments, effects...) It sounds so simple to me, but I don´t get it done!
Thanks for your help!
1. Should I use the VSL instruments? Or do U recomend other libaries, e.g. Killer Horns.
2. How do I place the different instruments? Example: I want to program a simple chord in C-major.
a) Should every Instrument play the whole chord?
b) Wich instrument should play which note (e.g. tenor sax on C4, trombone ensemble on C3???)
c) Which instrument should be doubled?
d) Should I use different panning?
e) Which effects do U recomend?
3. Anyone knowing "Lola´s theme"- Shapeshifters: I really like the Trumpet (Brass?) in the hook-line. Could anyone explain for idiots, how to program this (instruments, effects...) It sounds so simple to me, but I don´t get it done!
Thanks for your help!