Okay...I've been having a very strange and apparently rare problem with my audio mixdown while using the performance tool. I'm using Cubase and Giga Studio 3.04. My audio interface is Aardvark Direct Pro LX6. I can record and play back the MIDI that I create just fine. But when I try to do an audio mixdown of a MIDI track I'll either get nothing in the audio track (when I use the VSL Midi Router [emulated] output) or I'll get a messy audio track that sounds nothing like the MIDI I recorded (when I use the "real" VSL Midi Router output). Paul Steinbauer has been attempting to help me (he has been very responsive and helpful which I appreciate) but after several email conversations we still can't figure out what's going on with my system. The strange thing is that when I don't use the Performance Tool and just set the output to, for example, Giga Port 1 Channel 1 the audio mixdown works perfectly. No problem at all. But when I use the Performance Tool I get a jarbled mess of audio even when I just use the Thru mode! I obviously want to use the Performance Tool because it's absolutely amazing in terms of creating realistic sounds. I've tried everything I can think of. Please help me if you can. I would be extremely grateful!
A very interesting mixdown problem. PLEASE HELP if you can!
I had a similar problem with the performance tool using Cubase and GS3. I found that if you do an audio mixdown in REAL TIME (one of the selections in the mixdown utility), it seems to capture the midi data. It's a little more time consuming on the longer pieces, but what are we gonna do? Right?
@dunk187 said:
I had a similar problem with the performance tool using Cubase and GS3. I found that if you do an audio mixdown in REAL TIME (one of the selections in the mixdown utility), it seems to capture the midi data. It's a little more time consuming on the longer pieces, but what are we gonna do? Right?
I had this same issue, and did the same thing to correct it. Takes longer, but hey...I'm at its mercy.
I know this may be a stupid question but how do I go about changing it to REAL TIME? I can't seem to find the option. None of the manuals say anything about it either unless I missed something. What exactly do I do?
I bet I know why I don't have that option. Right now I'm using Cubase LE. I really beginning to think that it doesn't even have that option. I'm going to have to pick up SX 3.