I suppose you're right Andy. It's just that it's such a big hole in the library. You really can't call it a complete orchestral library without brass mutes. I just hope they don't leave out obvious stuff like this in the Symphonic Package and then charge us later for it when they do get it done.
But here's one issue. Let me ask you this question: Wouldn't you have rather had brass mutes than obscure instruments like the Cimbasso, Bass Trumpet, and Wagner Tuba? If you listen to orchestral music, brass mutes are used WAY more than any of those instruments. Could it be that it was easier to do those instruments than brass mutes? Maybe, I don't know. I'm curious as to how many people have actually used these instruments in their music, and how often.
But here's one issue. Let me ask you this question: Wouldn't you have rather had brass mutes than obscure instruments like the Cimbasso, Bass Trumpet, and Wagner Tuba? If you listen to orchestral music, brass mutes are used WAY more than any of those instruments. Could it be that it was easier to do those instruments than brass mutes? Maybe, I don't know. I'm curious as to how many people have actually used these instruments in their music, and how often.