I wonder what Herb has in his sleev for Symphonic Cube?
1332387 Samples today (sample counter). Does it still increase those times ?
I read in the presentation : « will eventually comprise up to 1.5 million individual samples »
Come on ! Go back to work ! It’s not finish yet !
That QLSO announcement is a very good news.
It demonstrates that the orchestral sampling world is alive. Then VSL didn’t killed QLSO... so there is really a big market for those libraries...
It’s good for us, musicians. And for the VSL team too...
Nevertheless, I’d like to add this :
I don’t want to be provocative (not my style) , but the first advantage of VSL will probably be... GS3.
Six years ago Herb did a choice.
Dry sampling.
Was it an intuition ?
Since a big revolution appears. Convolution verb. Those tools which permit to get a such realistic sound that some times we just can’t do any difference with a natural sound... So important revolution that now, we get it directly in our samplers !
Adding to the AMD/INTEL competition, which let us getting more and more recourses, we hold now that incredibly realistic sound we dreamed...
Let’s be frank. No need to capture the wet sound anymore...
I think the choice was good.
And we can chose the room we want...
And last, that library doesn’t seem to belong to any sampler editor (or is there a deal between Tascam and VSL now ? Since there is a VSL set bundling with GS3...), so they can develop it for several one, and don’t have to obtain their agreement or wait their scheduling for innovations...