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  • Why no 'PerfTool midi port' in our sequencer ?

    It doesn't appear in Nuendo or Samplitude for me.
    Like Maple midi tool or Midi Over LAN does...

    Maybe in SX ?

    Or Logic ?

    It makes difficult the midi routing : we can't dispatch it from the sequencer (track by track) when we use them in the same project.


    The French dyslexic who speaks badly English.

  • Crystal, the current versions of the performance tool don't come with their own midi ports - if you are using sequencer and sampler on the same machine please route midi using maple ports or local pipes from MoL (sequencer - virtual port - performance tool - nemesysport)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Ok, I’ll try that.

    I’ve just install Midi over LAN, and have to study it.

    Interesting soft.

    And will probably solved my problem (using Perf Tool and Maple (for the Grandioso FX) in the same time), as you said.

    Using that four soft (Maple, Perf Tool, Midi over LAN, GS) makes the midi routing a real jungle now...
    Each one of them works differently.
    Midi over LAN gets everything except Perf Tool.
    Perf Tool gets everything but appears nowhere...
    Maple gets nothing exempt my sound card ports, or sequencers port, but which one of them, we don't know...
    And my sequencer gets everything except Perf Tool, and appears nowhere...

    By the way, why sequencers don’t show midi ports in the others midi tool ?

    To much important and noble to get that rude work ?

    I probably miss some thing...

    The French dyslexic who speaks badly English.

  • crystal, this depends if an app brings a midi device with it - maple, MoL, GS do - sequencers and perftool do not. have a look in the settings of maple and select *accept input from sequencers* to see them, this should work. i personally prefer the local pipes from MoL to keep it as compact as possible.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • The Pipes works well with the Perf Tool. Now I can route each port from my sequencer through Pipes without using an SFP port (my Creamware card)

    Thanks for the advise cm.

    The problem is... Maple. I can route from sequencer to Maple but GS doesn’t get the maple midi in port when I select it...

    I’ll find a solution. I won’t give up !

    The French dyslexic who speaks badly English.

  • crystal, this sounds like you want to route directly from your sequencer to GS (at least for a specific port) - why not selecting nemesysport as out in your sequencer and changing the respective midi in in GS to *none*

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I tried.

    The strange thing is : when I route Sequencer midi out : Nemesys port 1, Gigastudio takes the port whatever I put in the ‘Midi in port’, in Gigastudio Settings... (For example : my Creamware port, or Maple, or Pipes even if they are not open or used in the sequencer...)

    Anyway, I don’t know what I did Yesterday, but I can use Maple and Perf tool on different GS port, for example (That’s what I wanted to do) :

    Sequencer : Maple midi out port 1
    Maple : Input from sequencer.
    GS : Port 1 : Maple midi out 1
    Sequencer : Pipe-out 0
    Perf tool : Pipe-in and Nemesys Midi out : Port 2
    GS : Port 2 : <None>

    It works.

    (This is maybe more safety to open GS after every plugs, and changing anything after that... or start GS again...)

    This is better that ‘chain’ each plug like : Sequencer : Maple : Perf Tool : GS
    Which is possible too...

    But probably not the best way for latency... (and possible bugs...)

    I think It could be much easier again if the Perf toll could be route directly from the sequencer.

    No need to use Midi over LAN between sequencer and Perf Tool...


    The French dyslexic who speaks badly English.

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    @Another User said:

    when I route Sequencer midi out : Nemesys port 1, Gigastudio takes the port whatever I put in the ‘Midi in port’
    crystal, is your sequencers corresponding midi in set to *receive all* by chance? then you would also find this midi signals arriving at the respective nemesysport

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Let me verify....

    No-no. I confirm. My track is : Nemesys Midi out port...

    I have to say first that all softs I’m using are legal... I bought them. (It was just a precision)

    Let me show you my configuration, just for information. This is all the ports and connections that I can see in each soft and plugs on my audio PC (running XP Home, SFP 3.1c, Nuendo 2.10.10, GS 2.5). I did a list to make it more clear for myself :

    Pulsard 2 Midi A Source out
    Sequencer Midi Source 1
    Sequencer Midi Source 2
    Sequencer Midi Source 3
    Sequencer Midi Source 4
    Sequencer Midi Dest 1
    Sequencer Midi Dest 2
    Sequencer Midi Dest 3
    Sequencer Midi Dest 4

    Midi from LAN :
    Midi to LAN :
    LAN-Out OO PC 2 GS
    Echo to :
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 1
    Maple Midi Out: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 3
    Maple Midi Out: Port 4
    PC 2 GS
    Pipe-Out 0
    Pipe-Out 1
    Pipe-Out 2
    Pipe-Out 3
    Pipe-Out 4
    Pipe-Out 5
    Pipe-Out 6
    Pipe-Out 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4
    Multi Devices :
    MIDI IN port(s)
    MIDI OUT port(s)
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 1
    Maple Midi Out: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 3
    Maple Midi Out: Port 4
    Local Pipes :
    Pipe-in 0
    Pipe-in 1
    Pipe-in 2
    Pipe-in 3
    Pipe-in 4
    Pipe-in 5
    Pipe-in 6
    Pipe-in 7
    Pipe-Out 0
    Pipe-Out 1
    Pipe-Out 2
    Pipe-Out 3
    Pipe-Out 4
    Pipe-Out 5
    Pipe-Out 6
    Pipe-Out 7

    IN (Track)
    Maple Midi In: Port 1 [
    Maple Midi In: Port 2 [
    Maple Midi In: Port 3 [
    Maple Midi In: Port 4 [
    Pipe-in 0
    Pipe-in 1
    Pipe-in 2
    Pipe-in 3
    Pipe-in 4
    Pipe-in 5
    Pipe-in 6
    Pipe-in 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4 [
    OUT (Track)
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1 [
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 2 [
    Maple Midi Out: Port 1 [
    Maple Midi Out: Port 2 [
    Maple Midi Out: Port 3 [
    Maple Midi Out: Port 4 [
    PC 2 GS
    Pipe-Out 0
    Pipe-Out 1
    Pipe-Out 2
    Pipe-Out 3
    Pipe-Out 4
    Pipe-Out 5
    Pipe-Out 6
    Pipe-Out 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3 [
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4 [

    Maple Midi In: Port 1
    Maple Midi In: Port 2
    Maple Midi In: Port 3
    Maple Midi In: Port 4
    Pipe-in 0
    Pipe-in 1
    Pipe-in 2
    Pipe-in 3
    Pipe-in 4
    Pipe-in 5
    Pipe-in 6
    Pipe-in 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 1
    Maple Midi Out: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 3
    Maple Midi Out: Port 4
    PC 2 GS
    Pipe-Out 0
    Pipe-Out 1
    Pipe-Out 2
    Pipe-Out 3
    Pipe-Out 4
    Pipe-Out 5
    Pipe-Out 6
    Pipe-Out 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4

    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4
    Input from sequancer (or scoring programme)
    'never configured in Maple'

    Maple Midi Out: Port 1
    Maple Midi Out: Port 2
    Maple Midi Out: Port 3
    Maple Midi Out: Port 4
    Pipe-in 0
    Pipe-in 1
    Pipe-in 2
    Pipe-in 3
    Pipe-in 4
    Pipe-in 5
    Pipe-in 6
    Pipe-in 7
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 2
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 3
    CreamWare MIDI In/Out 4
    None (pour le Perf Tool)
    OUT (un-selectable)
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1
    NemeSys MidiOut: Port 2

    When I said a jungle...

    Now, if I do a simple test like :
    Opening SFP (my sound card soft) :
    Then I put : ‘Pulsard 2 Midi A Source out’, linked to : ‘in Sequencer Midi Dest 1’, and nothing else.

    Then I Open Nuendo with one midi track and put : In : ‘CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1’, and out : NemeSys MidiOut: Port 1
    I verify that all midi in/out port that I don’t use are disable. (Asio Settings)
    I put the track on Rec position, of course.

    Then I open GS... and get the signal on port 1 (green spot), whatever I chose in the Midi in list of GS...

  • (Oh...)

    (My post was to long...) (This is the end of it)

    I did the same test with Samplitude : same result.

    So GS don’t care the midi in port we chose in Settings when the sequencer use a Nemesys MidiOut port...

    Well it’s not a disaster...

    Just a strange (and un-logical) thing, that’s all.

    I can do that remark too : For each soft, all ports figure in all choosing list for each soft, like I show it the list I did, even if softs aren’t open, and /or route in those soft if they are open.

    It means, for example, that if I open GS alone without anything else, I see always the same list I show above.

    Same for all softs.

    There is just a nuance with the sequencer which makes it more clear : I see all ports but I know which one of them are in use or not, and can disable them in the needing (in the Asio settings in Nuendo and Midi option in Samp7)

    The French dyslexic who speaks badly English.

  • ok, this are all your _options_ but how is the routing (which options are selected) when your problem arises. besides it looks al little bit like a jungel, the only confusing thing might be that maple is labeled *reverse* - so when you read *maple midi in* that's the end where midi comes _out_ and therefore needs to be _connected_ to the midi in of the next application in your chain (that's similar to some video cables which are labeled with *in* on the end which has to be plugged into video-in, others are labeled reverse)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.