I was very interested in this since I've played horn on this in brass choirs and really like the music.
I hope you don't mind my criticizing. I don't mean to be too negative since I admire you for doing this.
First, in general the trumpet dynamic sounds mf, but the horns are ff. They do not match timbrally even when playing against each other.
Secondly, there is almost no phrasing. It cannot be played by live brass like this, because they have to take breaths. You need to look at every line and figure out where a human being would breathe. On this piece it is VERY often, because it's loud.
Third, the notes are too connected - they need more separation when they are not legato. There are some marcatos here that sound like they are played on an organ. But this could be rememdied by having the accented notes more separated. To create a huge contrast between the legato, and the more marcato notes helps a lot with realism because especially in brass it is normal to shorten notes that you want to give emphasis to.
Fourth there should be more inaccuracy - it sounds very MIDIfied and mathematically perfect. And along with this there should be some small decresc or cresc in the lines to bridge together shorter phrases. J Bacal did an absolutely fantastic job of subtle dynamics on this on his pieces. It isn't just written-in-the-score dynamics, but the implied ones that players and/or conductors always put in as part of expressive playing.
Anyway I hope you're not offended by my criticizing because I like what you've done here and am always interested in someone trying an ambitious performance like this.
I hope you don't mind my criticizing. I don't mean to be too negative since I admire you for doing this.
First, in general the trumpet dynamic sounds mf, but the horns are ff. They do not match timbrally even when playing against each other.
Secondly, there is almost no phrasing. It cannot be played by live brass like this, because they have to take breaths. You need to look at every line and figure out where a human being would breathe. On this piece it is VERY often, because it's loud.
Third, the notes are too connected - they need more separation when they are not legato. There are some marcatos here that sound like they are played on an organ. But this could be rememdied by having the accented notes more separated. To create a huge contrast between the legato, and the more marcato notes helps a lot with realism because especially in brass it is normal to shorten notes that you want to give emphasis to.
Fourth there should be more inaccuracy - it sounds very MIDIfied and mathematically perfect. And along with this there should be some small decresc or cresc in the lines to bridge together shorter phrases. J Bacal did an absolutely fantastic job of subtle dynamics on this on his pieces. It isn't just written-in-the-score dynamics, but the implied ones that players and/or conductors always put in as part of expressive playing.
Anyway I hope you're not offended by my criticizing because I like what you've done here and am always interested in someone trying an ambitious performance like this.