Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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185,371 users have contributed to 42,392 threads and 255,498 posts.

In the past 24 hours, we have 1 new thread(s), 10 new post(s) and 72 new user(s).

  • Windows and Mac Topics

    Now that I'm back I am going to chime in my vote again to have discussions that are hardlinked to a specific platform, either Windows or Mac, and logically not bisecting each other or of general interest, posted in a seperate respective topic folder for those types of users.

    It would help organize and clarify discussions so we don't have to waste time in the general discussion reading 15 posts about a hard drive for instance only to learn it was for a particular setup completely unrelated to the reader's platform.

    And simultaneously it will allow for one particular platform reader to peruse the other platforms pluses and minuses more easily, as well as help those who enjoy their platform discuss issues relating to it.

    Please VSL present your argument for or against creating seperate platform topics.

    Thank you,
    Evan Evans

  • Back and in top form!

  • the harddrive question applies to all platforms, even those we don't support (eg. because no samplers exist)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    Back and in top form!
    3 months doesn't change a man enough I guess.


    Evan Evans

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    @cm said:

    the harddrive question applies to all platforms, even those we don't support (eg. because no samplers exist)
    Not so sure. Most of these posters only KNOW one platform. If you speak to them in the wrong language they can wizzle out on you. It'd be best if the person understood that their comment had cross-plaform potential, but that's probably asking too much. Still it IS a burden to have to spend time reading topics that have nothing to do with the general VSL and nothing to do with the reader.

    Without pointing out ANY single topic as an example, I just am asserting my voice which comes from a place of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and compassionate understanding ... that ... some further organization of how topics are grouped could both save and streamline readers time, AND provide greater progress by giving more attention to topics from readers who are MORE genuinely interested and can help.

    Evan Evans

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    @Another User said:

    more attention to topics from readers who are MORE genuinely interested and can help
    i don't take that offending for the moment ... but i for myself would eg. not be willing to elaborate on the same topic in three groups, just because they belong to another platform.
    and what about halion/kontakt? is this mac now or PC?
    please accept it to be as it is, though it might be decided internally here to change some things in the future

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Maybe I am a bit more of a problem solver than the average bear, but it seems quite obvious to me that if you have a computer related issue it falls into one of three categories:

    PC/ Windows
    Cross Platform

    Not sure how you guys get so confused by how to organize these things.

    Evan Evans

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    @evanevans said:

    Not sure how you guys get so confused by how to organize these things.
    Evan Evans

    ... in about the same way as you post technical answers in the Orchestration/Composition-forum, Mr. Evans ...

    But you could create your very own evanevans-forum and organize things the way _you_ like them - what about that?


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • [quote=evanevans]. Still it IS a burden to have to spend time reading topics that have nothing to do with the general VSL and nothing to do with the reader.

    Judging from the number of posts yoo write, I would think time is not an issue for you.

    As being my self a moderator in another forum, I can surely say that no subject is followed by all the users. Always there are a few who don't read anything but their own posts answers even if it is the same already given.
    Every day I change the position of posts or cancel those in more than one place.
    I usually write a very polite private message to those that write more than a message a day for more than 3 days to not "burden" the forum.

  • It's just science. It's unarguable. It IS a burden. Things could be more well organized. And better organization would lead to faster problem solving, more efficient support, and calmer, more distilled discussions without rogue interferance.

    You guys give me too much credit. It's just truth is all. I am only harboring it and trying to help.

    It's your board ... make your choices. They are a reflection of VSL.

    Like I've said many times before, you guys seem to have a problem saying THANK YOU to those who have suggestions. Instead you just say how GREAT things are right now. So what? That's not why we are telling you things to fix. It's so you can CONSIDER them and see their potential, not so you can get defensive about your currrent position. No one thinks the current position is bad. We are all working together to make things better. With your help you can actually honor such a vision.

    Evan Evans

  • Ok, once and for all - THANK YOU, Mr. Evans, for your visions. Oh, and of course: Things are GREAT here, right now.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Evan

    I know you have a personality based on the fact that you've got an opinion and you absolutely want to tell it but the problem i think its it can be hurting, . and you do not retain yourself enough, sometimes its good to not say everything you have in mind. Why i'm saying that : because i don't want you to be banned again [:D] you have helped us a lot on a technical side especially... (BTW thanks for the thin trumpets EQs, i'm using them as a base)

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    @evanevans said:

    It's just science. It's unarguable. It IS a burden. Things could be more well organized. And better organization would lead to faster problem solving, more efficient support, and calmer, more distilled discussions without rogue interferance.
    That's not why we are telling you things to fix.

    As much useful information your posts may contain Evan, sometimes it IS a burden to read all the mess around it containing zero information, and sometimes even repetitive. Just look at your last 3 posts in this thread, that all could be said in two or three sentences (calm, distilled, organized and efficient - and read afterwards!) - the post count doesn't make a member more honorable than what it's worth what he's saying (for me).

    Please stop talking about WE. I don't talk or request for you, too.

  • Why can't users just put "(Mac)" or "(Windows)" in the heading of the post, if the post is platform specific? I don't think that's too much to ask of people.

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    @PolarBear said:

    Please stop talking about WE.
    I only do when it's true. I've found more than I have made suggestions/fixes posts. It's true. So am I prohibited from using the phrase "we are telling you things to fix" ? we .. users.

    Evan Evans

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    @tonylombardi said:

    Why can't users just put "(Mac)" or "(Windows)" in the heading of the post, if the post is platform specific? I don't think that's too much to ask of people.
    That is a splendid idea. So how do we have people do that?

    Evan Evans

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    @PolarBear said:

    Please stop talking about WE. [I don't talk or request for you, too.]
    I only do when it's true. I've found more than I have made suggestions/fixes posts. It's true. So am I prohibited from using the phrase "we are telling you things to fix" ? we .. users.

    You sound like you were the absolute truth on earth, live and alive, in surround and polycolor, Evan. You're not. You may disagree with aspects of organization here, some may not (partly or at all) - but that's the point - WE is not implying I, me or a part of the users, WE is implying US ALL, including me and John Doe! I don't presume to speak for Dietz, Herb, cm et al, to speak for you Evan, or any other forum member. Therefore I say "I found" or "I'd like". And while I'm at it - what does the "truth" have to do with all this and the other things? As if anybody would believe you always tell lies just to crank us up?