@William said:
If this is true it shows the obvious equation: DISSONANCE = HORROR
I find this amusing, since the atonalists ever since Schoenberg have wanted everyone to believe that "a minor second is as beautiful as a major third" - Schoenberg. And yet Mr. Penderecki - the God of the avant garde - creates a cacophony, then gets a big reaction of horror from people, and so he decides to capitalize on it. And yet this contradicts the entire concept of dissonance is beautiful. Funny.
Not to split hairs, but Shoenberg wrote Pantonal music, not Atonal. I know that you said since S, but I must say that some of his serial music is beautiful, as is the music of Berg. Others in the same "school" I could do without quite comfortably.
I must also piont out that a major 3rd (when played in tune) is a horrible interval, due to the fact that the loudest resultant tone is an augmented 4th below the lower note. This is something that Brahms found out too late to save the end of Sonatensatz... [:(]