Of course I can. Absolutely. The performance tool, only allows you to play YOUR notes legato, still in the time and velocity that you wish. The crescendo samples DO NOT and certainly do not play back differently everytime. Legato perf insts allow for the continued use of base fundamental music theory and compositon. Recorded Cresc/dim don't even come close.@William said:
I see what you're saying and like the concept of emphasizing musical control, and not letting perfect realism become the sole criterion. However, there is no way that you can rule out the performance of a crescendo, but still justify legato for example. Exactly how a musician made that leap between two notes is as much of a performance.
Also, statistically what do you think the odds are that in YOUR piece of music that crescendo that it calls for is EXACTLY the one found on disk? Likely you will be in a different tempo, need an arc that is different than the one given, and you may even wish to come down/up again during it (please don't remind me about volume futzing it, I'd been using that method for years). With the dynamic layers you can write the lung/breath strength curves that you need. WHICH is how the actual playing of the instruments works.
Evan Evans