As someone who was accepted to USC, Cal Arts, and Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris, France, I have to say that my decision to go with UCLA extension was not taken lightly AT ALL. We had the money to go to any of them, or so my parents told me [[:)]] , but what was AND IS going on at UCLA extension turns out to be the best way to go.
I actually receommend it staked against my own reputation. When I did it, I doubled up the courses and did the 1 1/2 year in 9 months.
There are three major reasons I recommend this:
1) No General Education required (2 years of bullsh** saved there)
2) You learn from the horse's mouth, not the horse's grandfather
3) You write for an ensemble nearly EVERY week
And there are a few minor reasons, less life affecting in the long run, also:
1) Save loads of money
2) You're out in such fast time that you can do further studies AND/OR get your career going more rapidly
I teach master classes, no less. You may email me if you wish to submit your materials and do a 2 to 8 hour intensive session with me. I guarantee I will knock 1 year's wisdom off your to-do list.
Evan Evans
P.S. Nick is in the ballpark though. Good recommendations, Nick.
As someone who was accepted to USC, Cal Arts, and Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris, France, I have to say that my decision to go with UCLA extension was not taken lightly AT ALL. We had the money to go to any of them, or so my parents told me [[:)]] , but what was AND IS going on at UCLA extension turns out to be the best way to go.
I actually receommend it staked against my own reputation. When I did it, I doubled up the courses and did the 1 1/2 year in 9 months.
There are three major reasons I recommend this:
1) No General Education required (2 years of bullsh** saved there)
2) You learn from the horse's mouth, not the horse's grandfather
3) You write for an ensemble nearly EVERY week
And there are a few minor reasons, less life affecting in the long run, also:
1) Save loads of money
2) You're out in such fast time that you can do further studies AND/OR get your career going more rapidly
I teach master classes, no less. You may email me if you wish to submit your materials and do a 2 to 8 hour intensive session with me. I guarantee I will knock 1 year's wisdom off your to-do list.
Evan Evans
P.S. Nick is in the ballpark though. Good recommendations, Nick.