@PaulR said:
I realised thats what you originally meant. Weird? Of course he was weird! Like Beethovan and Mozart and all the others were normal, right?
Ah, don´t take me wrong, I love Bach. For me it was just curious to hear that he was an oldfashoned guy. Normally we´re used to learn that all these unforgotten composers were renewers and at some forefront and relovutionary and bla, bla, bla. Actually I didn´t want to make a long story out of it.
Let´s forget about the "story" thing. Basically we all think the same. I used a wrong word, "story". Maybe "subject" would have been better.
But nevertheless film is a narrative medium, and one should be aware in every stage of the production process, what the fuck you want to tell.
I learned in my job as a sound editor /designer that you totally rely on the script how creativly you can use sound. You need subjective shots, actors who are listening and of course (film) time. Especially the first two things
have to be in the script, they have to be part of the concept, the subject, otherwise they won´t gonna be shot. I know that the key to great sound design lies in the script. And I´m totally sure that it´s the same for music. The film has to be open to music. The film has to be made for music, it has to need music. Then you not only can do, you have to do something outstanding.
Hm, since 99% percent of the films produced are narrative films with a story, I maybe keep up with my statement. I watch a movie because the story interests me, that comes first. I don´t buy a ticket for just great cinematography when the story sucks. And I don´t want to believe I´m the only one.
Story is not only words, b.t.w.