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  • Incorrect VE instrument triggered by Sibelius

    I know this is an old issue -- I may even have posted about it before, but I can't find it here. I have Sibelius Ultimate with the House Styles installed, Vienna Ensemble, Vienna Instruments Pro. I've written for two different ensembles (string quartet, 4-part choir), with no problems. For a new project, I'm using a "classical symphony" config, with 6 woodwinds/brass instruments, tympani, and the usual 5 string sections.

    I've walked through the setup of a manual sound set several times. I added each instrument using VIP in VE, with the correct channels. In the Sibelius config/"manual sound sets" setup, I have a Vienna Ensemble instance selected, and the 12 channels I'll be using set up and configured. Every "Test" in Sibelius plays the correct instrument in VE.

    The strings play correctly from the score itself, but no other instrument does -- all the woodwind and brass (even the tympani) trigger the 1st violin in VE (channel 8). I've even reassigned every instrument in Sibelius's Mixer, with no help. I have two VE setups now configured through Sibelius, and both have exactly the same problem. Where do I look? What have I missed?

  • Hello Jeffrey!

    It can have different reasons why articulation changes don't work as expected or instruments play on the wrong channel. Did you go through the Troubleshooting section of "Sibelius Integration" tutorial yet? All possible reasons that come to my mind are listed there.

    If you can't find a solution there, please send the following screenshots to
    - Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu
    - Sibelius mixer
    - Sibelius Playback Devices menu
    - Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page of all loaded devices
    - Vienna Ensemble showing one of the instruments that doesn't work correctly

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks for that. I walked through the list, and the one thing that seems to have helped was to clear all settings in Sibelius's own "mixer" (set each channel to "automatic"). I still haven't gotten timpani to fire the VIP pro instance in VE correctly, and if I can't, I'll send your requested screen shots to the support email addy.

    I guess the thing that has me flummoxed is this idea that there doesn't seem to be a straight-forward traceable path between score entries and MIDI channels. That seems to be a Sibelius issue. VSL instruments fire on the data channel they're fed. But then, it might be me. ;-)  

    Thanks again.

  • ErisnoE Erisno moved this topic from Notation Programs & Vienna on