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  • Two NEW choir libraries + up to 42% off on VOICES

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    Hello everyone!

    Is there any better time of the year than December to introduce two BRAND-NEW choir collections?

    For the first time in 525 years, the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir ("Wiener Sängerknaben") has been sampled - and of course, there could be no better place than Vienna! Angelic and pure in tone, this choir has tours and concerts in Europe, the US, and Asia. Most recently, their voices even found their way into Bear McCreary's score for Rings of Power - Amazon's pre-sequel production to The Lord of the Rings.

    At the same time, we also sampled the other extreme of the human voice spectrum. With the Basso Profondo Choir, we recorded six contrabass singers. A perfect fit for powerful and mystic cues! We have lots of videos & audio demos in the pipeline - so stay tuned!

    Oh, and to celebrate these two new releases, we're offering more vocal collections at up to 42% off! And best of all: You can use free Vienna Vouchers to save even more!


    VSL Team | Product Specialist & Media Editing
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    if VSL would finally get round to recording choirs that actually sing text, they would be far more useful. It's a shame that such a large company won't put in the necessary effort because the world is crying out for such a thing --- we all know that at present EWQL are the only game in town and their choirs are far from ideal. This sort of thing may be useful for commercial background music -- presumably that's who it's aimed at -- but not for singing choral works and I really don't think I'm the only composer who would like to have a virtual choir sing what's actually been written.

  • Out of curiosity: How much would you be willing to pay for such a library? For a freelancing conductor like myself the financial aspect is the crucial point...

  • I wouldn't expect a chois to sing real words. If it does, in which language and with what regional accent?

    However, I would love to be able to make it sing some 'gibberish', to give an approximate idea of the phonems in the most relevant passages.


  • @oskar-ernst said:
    Out of curiosity: How much would you be willing to pay for such a library? For a freelancing conductor like myself the financial aspect is the crucial point...

    it would depend on how good it was (I'm assuming a phonetic language which would make it possible to get approximate pronunciation in major Western languages at any rate such as is already, however imperfectly, offered by the EWQL libraries). But I'd be willing to go higher than the sale price I got the two EWQL libraries for --lets say around the typical price for a VSL "pro" library. As such a library would not be up against countless competitors like most of the instrumental libraries, it might well sell in larger numbers as choral music is among the most frequently composed forms. But if library marketing is aimed exclusively towards commercial music where "serious" choral music usually doesn't feature, it could be I'm wasting my breath. On the other hand, what I find refreshing with VSL is that there are demos of well-known classical/romantic works which most other vendors fail to provide -- I'm sure that in itself has sold one or two libraries to me and gives a better idea of their capabilities than mostly vacuous film scores.

  • I would love a choir singing mmmm

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic