Hi to everybody, I'm new to the forum, but i've been checking it regularly. Have also solved some problem thanks to it.
Now I have the same problem as Dbrown22, only difference is that he solved it, while I didn't.
I have logic 6.4.2 not Logic7, and this is the first difference.
For the rest: my problem concerns a brand new MacBook Pro, with Logic 6.4.2 and VI Special Edition.
Thing is that everything works perfectly on my PPC G5: I can load VI as a Virtual Instrument in Logic.
I just bought this Mac Book Pro because i would like to be able to workat my projects all the time, even if i'm far from home. but now it's not working.
The standalone version works fine.
My library is installed in the main HD, but that's because i want to have something i can put in my bag and travel with, not carry big external hard drives. On my G5 i have samples in a separate hard drive.
Still the first time I installed VI on the laptop i didn't install the samples as well, just plugged my external hard drive to the laptop and also with that situation it didn't work: could use it as standalone but not in Logic.
Could somebody help me? I bought this MacBook to be able to work when I'm away, this way it's as if it's been a useless (big) expense...
Thanks for any help, I really appreaciate.