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  • Dbrown22,

    Well, yes...

    All the additional AU plugins should be stored at this location, so something went wrong here.

    Please run the Vienna Software Installer again and see wether the ViennaInstruments.component is at its correct place now!

    Best, Marnix

  • Ok now do I delete the destination folder that I initially created on my external hard drive before re-installing the software? Also, do you recommend I download the newer 1.11 software installer?


  • just in case this is a misundestamding: marnix refered to the *custom folder* resp the vienna instruments software, not to the installed library as such (the data of your collections)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Ahhh I see. What's the process of re-installing the custom folder?

    Thanks Christian

  • When I open the custom data folder, it is empty also. So without re-installing the instruments themselves, how do I redo the custom folder?

    Thanks again

  • last edited
    last edited
    daniel, i've just re-read what you posted before:

    @Another User said:

    I delete the destination folder that I initially created on my external hard drive

    if this comment refers to the cusom folder and you have removed this drive later the VI would be seriously irritated ...

    - open finder, create a cusom folder somewhere (eg. on your system drive, eg. in documents - make sure it has read & write priviledges)
    - open directory manager, set custom folder to exactly this path.
    - drag& drop folders containing VI data onto the directory manager window
    (you should see now all directories listed)
    - reboot (or at least logoff/logon) and you should be up again

    btw: only custom created patches/matrices will be visible in the custom folder - the built-in presets are *bult in the instrument* and therefore not visible as file or such

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Daniel, sounds like you're making headway and don't need Logic advice at this stage. I'll keep reading and hope the re-installation is successful!

  • Hi Christian

    I did as you described, created a new folder in documents, opened the directory manager, choose the newly created folder under custom folder, but when you said drag and drop files from content VI into directory manager, I got a little confused as the directory manager already had 5 folders in the window (cello, doublebass, etc). So do you mean drag files from the external drive (where all the content is) in addition to whats on there? After the folder is selected, should I click the rescan existing button? I guess I became a little lost with the drag and drop thing.
    Sorry for all the questions again, I know i'm taking up too much of your time.


    Thanks for checking in Conquer, almost there......I think

  • Dbrown22,

    Simply remove the existing 5 entries (not the Custom Data folder!) from Directory Manager and drag&drop all the folders containing your Sample Data (.dat files) from the finder (i.e. your external drive) into the Directory Manager window.

    No need to do a rescan.

    Please do not forget to quit Directory Manager before you launch the Vienna Instruments themselves!

    Best, Marnix

  • Ok I did as you told me, removed all files in directory manager, drag and dropped from external drive back on there, quit directory manager, restarted. Just for piece of mind I started AUmanager, the strings did not show up there. I also just brought a fasttrack usb audio interface, hooked it up today for the first time, it works fine (used a test) but for some reason in Logic, it doesnt work. I tried re-installing Logic, but the same results. Wow!!! No strings, no Audio.
    Any more suggestions before you guys give up on me and ban me from this site permantely? LOL


  • Daniel,

    Ok, first things first - In Logic Express, please select your new Audio driver under Audio/Audio Hardware and Drivers...

    Just to recapitulate: you have reinstalled the Vienna Instruments Software v. 1.11 allright and you can see the file ViennaInstruments.component in HD/Library/Audio/Plugins/Components in the finder. Also, the standalone version of the Vienna Instruments can be launched, can see your Appassionata Strings and can be set to your new Audio interface. Nevertheless, there is no entry whatsoever called Vienna Instruments, which could be selected by checking the little box next to it, in your AU Manager window.

    Please confirm!

    Best, Marnix

    PS: This Forum is all about asking questions and trying to find solutions to problems, so please do not worry about being banned - you are absolutely welcome! [[;)]]

  • We have lift off, as soon as I installed 1.11, it automatically rescanned when I opened Logic and recognized it, thank the lord and thank you. Now if I can just get the audio interface to work, this isnt your problem, I have to contact M-Audio tech support. Even when I try to play an audio cd, there is no sound coming out, might be a driver issue
    Well anyway thanks for all your help


  • Daniel,

    I am really glad that the tricky part of your problem seems to be solved!
    In fact, I´d bet it is only a matter of installing the latest version of the M-Audio driver now and assigning it in Core Audio.

    Anyway, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at whenever you have more questions about our products!

    Best, Marnix

  • Hey Daniel, good news. Hope you can get on with making some music now!

  • Hi to everybody, I'm new to the forum, but i've been checking it regularly. Have also solved some problem thanks to it.
    Now I have the same problem as Dbrown22, only difference is that he solved it, while I didn't.
    I have logic 6.4.2 not Logic7, and this is the first difference.
    For the rest: my problem concerns a brand new MacBook Pro, with Logic 6.4.2 and VI Special Edition.
    Thing is that everything works perfectly on my PPC G5: I can load VI as a Virtual Instrument in Logic.
    I just bought this Mac Book Pro because i would like to be able to workat my projects all the time, even if i'm far from home. but now it's not working.
    The standalone version works fine.
    My library is installed in the main HD, but that's because i want to have something i can put in my bag and travel with, not carry big external hard drives. On my G5 i have samples in a separate hard drive.
    Still the first time I installed VI on the laptop i didn't install the samples as well, just plugged my external hard drive to the laptop and also with that situation it didn't work: could use it as standalone but not in Logic.

    Could somebody help me? I bought this MacBook to be able to work when I'm away, this way it's as if it's been a useless (big) expense...
    Thanks for any help, I really appreaciate.


  • by the way... it seems to me that there's no AU manager in logic Pro 6.4

  • Hi Paolo,

    That´s right - no AU Manager in Logic Pro 6.4...
    This is because Logic did not bother to validate AU plugins before version 7.

    Are you sure Logic Pro 6.4 was indeed ported to Universal Binary for the use with the new Intel Macs such as your MacBook Pro?

    I just checked and launched an old copy of Logic Pro 6.4.1 on my G5 Quad 2,5 GHz PPC MacOS 10.4.8 and it could not find any of the plugins residing in Library/Audio/Plug ins/Components, so it might very well be an issue concerning the operating system. Which OS do you have on your G5 PPC? Can other third party AU plug ins be detected and instantiated?

    Best, Marnix

  • Hi Marnix, thanks so much for your reply, I've spent all day on this issue and I'm becoming a little frustrated.

    On my G5 PPC I have OS X 10.4.9 and Logic can see everything: VI SE, Spectrasonics Stylus Remix and EWQL Symphonic Library. No problems at all.

    Sorry about my ignorance, but Universal Binary is something that concerns only Intel Macs, I suppose, and not G5 PPC and that might be the reason why things work on the PPC and not on the PowerBook?

    Thanks again

  • Hi Paolo,

    Sorry for being unclear - of course I meant wether other third party plug ins can be seen in Logic on your MacBook Pro?

    And as I stated before, I sincerely doubt Apple has ported Logic Pro 6 to Universal Binary, which would be needed to run it without limitations on Intel Macs. I just tried to check on their website and realized that they do not even offer official support for earlier Logic versions than 7 - one has to adress oneself to Seen at

    This is why I assume the problem lies within your version of Logic Pro in connection with your Intel Mac - Do you have the possibility to upgrade?

    Best, Marnix

  • Hi Marnix.

    Yes I have the possibility to upgrade. To be honest I didn't feel it was necessary to spend 350 euros on that, since Logic 7 is 2 years old and I think a new version will be released sooner or later.
    I understand that Apple cannot provide assistance on older versions (since, at that time, Logic was not an apple brand but emagic's).
    What i don't understand is this: to use Logic on Intels you not only need to upgrade to Logic 7, but you also need the Logic 7.2 Crossgrade (49 euros). And guess what I discovered? TODAY is the LAST day to order the crossgrade! From tomorrow it won't be available anymore! Does this make sense to you? I mean, new Macbooks Pro have JUST been released and they stop selling such an important crossgrade? (And it's already strange that they have to make you pay for such an upgrade). The only reason I can think of is that a new version of Logic is around the corner and this makes my "forced upgrading" even more bitter. I always loved Apple, but this is something I really wouldn't expect from them...

    Said this, I know that was I said is something that doesn't concern VI (which, by the way, is a wonderful software), but sorry... I needed to load off my chest [:)]
    I think that's the great thing of this forum. We're using such a peculiar technology, we can't talk to our friends or girlfriend about our problems, they would look at us like this... [[:|]]

    So I really want to thank you for your help. This has really been precious.

    All the best
