Please find and delete the file ViennaInstruments.component from HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components, reboot your computer and run the Vienna Instruments Software Installer once more. (By the way, the new version 1.11 is available for download, so you might want to try this one!)
Then please launch Logic Express - during startup of the application, the AU Manager scans through all AU plug-ins installed and validates them if possible.
If the Vienna Instruments still does not show in the plug-in list in Logic, please launch the AU Manager and check the little box to the left of the VSL entry (it should be in the list again!) and click ok to go back to Logic.
Please let us know wether you can open an instance of the Vienna Instruments now!
Best, Marnix
PS: I just tried the Vienna Instruments in Logic Express 7.01 on my old 12" G4 Powerbook 867 MHz and they were recognized without problems... [[:|]]
Please find and delete the file ViennaInstruments.component from HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components, reboot your computer and run the Vienna Instruments Software Installer once more. (By the way, the new version 1.11 is available for download, so you might want to try this one!)
Then please launch Logic Express - during startup of the application, the AU Manager scans through all AU plug-ins installed and validates them if possible.
If the Vienna Instruments still does not show in the plug-in list in Logic, please launch the AU Manager and check the little box to the left of the VSL entry (it should be in the list again!) and click ok to go back to Logic.
Please let us know wether you can open an instance of the Vienna Instruments now!
Best, Marnix
PS: I just tried the Vienna Instruments in Logic Express 7.01 on my old 12" G4 Powerbook 867 MHz and they were recognized without problems... [[:|]]