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  • Basic installation issues

    I just purchased the Appassionata strings and I'm having a little difficulty installing it. I installed the software installer (syncrosoft), then it appears to be complete, so when I pop in the strings dvd, I click on one of the setup screens, and it asks for an application. I've already registered my Vienna key, downloaded the license, etc. Did I not complete the software installer cd? I currently use a G4, gigabit ethernet, with the latest OSX. Please help as I'm dying to use this stuff.

    Kind regards,


  • welcome daniel, just to make sure ... there are two things to install:
    - syncrosoft license control center ( recommended)
    - vienna instruments software (latest version 1.1 recommended)
    after downloading a license to your ViennaKey please re-boot your computer to make sure everything is re-read properly.

    then you open *vienna instruments library installer* from your applications and will be asked to point to the (which is on DVD1 of your product, so you had to select your DVD drive)
    are you sure the installer asked for an application and not for a license?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • OK so here's where I'm getting stuck. I've downloaded the latest syncrosoft license control center plus the latest software installer When I click on the library installer under applications, it takes me to a screen where it asks to select from the distribution media (at this time the dvd 1/1 is in the drive), I double click, it brings up the library setup wizard, I agree on the license, then it brings to "where should library files be installed". I browse under new folder, but there is no folder to download the files to. IN the video tutorial, it shows a "Content VI", but mine doesn't have that. I seem to be missing the destination folder . This is most frustrating as I'm dying to write. Thanks for all your help

  • ehhhm ... it's up to you on which destination volume / folder you like to have it installed - we choose to select a mounted firewiredrive named *content*.
    what i would _not_ recommend is to install it on your system volume resp. drive your system volume resides.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Well I've tried a few different folders Christian, and when I proceed, it says I dont have enough space to save the destination. I know this cant be the case as I have 1.5 gigs of ramm and almost an empty hard drive. So do you recommend clicking the "new folder" button even though it says it needs more space? I assumed that when I downladed everything, it wold make a destination folder.

  • Ok so I just now realized I need a seperate hard drive to run Apassionatta strings. I couldnt find where it said that, no wonder its telling me there is not enough space for installation. What hard drive do you recommend?

  • Ok well thanks for geting back to me.

  • Dbrown, you don't need a separate harddrive (although that is recommended for bes performance), but you need to have space enough free on your drive to install the samples. You can't expect VSL to tell you that...

    And you can't expect and act up, when the VSL team doesn't get back to your forum inquiry within 24 hours. Work on that attitude, dude...

    Google around, you'll find harddrive recommendations.

  • haha - i'm just now understanding the possible meaning of the foregoing posts ....
    gerally we'd recommend fast drives (fast = evrything with 7.200 rpm or above), preferrably sATA drives where possible to be connected.
    i don't want to recommend a specific company, because reliability seems to be different also between continents (looks like it depends in which location a drive has been manufactured).
    i personally love western digital raptor's and seagate, had very bad experience with many IBM/hitachi and some maxtor models.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Actually Simon I did expect VSL to tell me that as it cleary states under system requirements, on this website, seperate hard drive needed w/ 18 gB of free space. I tried installing it as is but it says sorry, not enough space on this hard drive, it also says not to use a partioned drive, as I have both os9 and osx on the same system. 24 hours is an expected time for a response, but I've been waiting since Tue or Wed. Well anyway back to the music, Thanks or repling Christian, I've been using Protools and Synth strings for quite some time so excuse my ignorance when it comes to your products and accsories as it's all new to me.

  • sorry Dbrown22, i misinterpreted your question as answered - the *not enough space* message comes up if there _is_ not enough space left on a destination volume. since say 9 GB free out of 10 is also *almost empty* i didn't pay enough attention to this issue.
    as simon already mentioned: you _can_ install data to a drive or volume where your system or other libraries reside, but you might notice not the highest possible performance ... depends on many circumstances like type of drive (ATA/IDE, SCSI, sATA, ect) speed of drive, fragmentation, ect ... so our recommendation is *a fast seperate harddrive*

    in case you need help you could write an email to anytime - our response times are fairly reasonable ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks Christian. I found a western digital "my book", 7200 RPM, 2.0 USB, 8mb cache, 320 MB. Even though its not a raptor, this should be ok right?

  • i personally would use rather firewire than a USB-drive for sample streaming, though sometimes there is no other option left (paul had to connect a drive via USB to his macookPro and reported good performance).
    i would in no case use USB if there is also a USB audio device in the game as well as firewire if you have a firewire audiodevice ... both devices might then struggle for bandwidth.

    don't you have a free bay for an internal drive or is it a powerbook?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian
    Its a powermac G4, and it is firewire capable. I do not have a free bay however so external would be the way to go.

  • I hope it's o.k. to tag onto this thread. I too, just purchased Appasionata Strings. and have made sure I have downloaded the latest updates for the Syncrosoft key, as well as the Vienna Library installer.

    What I am encountering, is that upon launching the Vienna Library installer, and navigating to the on the DVD, one of two things happens. Either immediately, or within a few minutes, the installer simply quits.

    Or, the contents will begin to load, but after a few minutes, I get this message

    "Cannot Read Installation Package (file is corrupted?)"

    I tried copying the DVD contents to a folder on my desktop, and installing from that, but the same thing happens.

    Ilio (where I purchased it from) doesn't feel that the DVD is bad, because it doesn't always quit or get the error message at the same point of installation.

    I have 2 emails into VSL tech support, but haven't heard back, although I know it's a weekend.

    Thought I'd post here, to see if anyone has ever had this happen before, and might know the cause.

    Thanks in advance...

  • I'm no tech or anything, I too have had installation problems, but that sounds like a bad dvd. Ilio is ofcourse going to say it's not the DVD, I persoanlly have not had any luck w/that company. They have personalities similar to that of a flip-flop. But anyhow, if you e-mail Paul at VSL, he will be able to help, he's a good bloke.

    I'm right with you man, dying to hear these things but have recently had to order a seperate hard drive as I didnt have enough space on my destination volume. Hope this helps

    Let me know how it goes


  • Yes, it is shocking that you need 16GB free space to install a 16GB library [8-)]

  • It's not shocking at all, I have people telling me that I can install on my current drive, then I have people telling me that a seperate hard drive is a requirement, so with someone like me who is new to Vienna Library's, you can see how it becomes confusing. Cheers

    You spend way too much time online Simon, you sound bitter about something. What's wrong my man, no girls in Denmark?

  • Hi Jaimo,

    I'm having the same problem, with the same messaged result, with the Woodwinds I disc I just bought, so I fished around past posts to see if we were not alone, and we're NOT!

    Pasted below is a Q&A from a few months back, I'm going with the cleaning advice given and hoping for the best-Good Luck!!!


    hope it's o.k. to tag onto this thread. I too, just purchased Appasionata Strings. and have made sure I have downloaded the latest updates for the Syncrosoft key, as well as the Vienna Library installer.

    What I am encountering, is that upon launching the Vienna Library installer, and navigating to the on the DVD, one of two things happens. Either immediately, or within a few minutes, the installer simply quits.

    Or, the contents will begin to load, but after a few minutes, I get this message

    "Cannot Read Installation Package (file is corrupted?)"

    I tried copying the DVD contents to a folder on my desktop, and installing from that, but the same thing happens.

    Ilio (where I purchased it from) doesn't feel that the DVD is bad, because it doesn't always quit or get the error message at the same point of installation.

    I have 2 emails into VSL tech support, but haven't heard back, although I know it's a weekend.

    Thought I'd post here, to see if anyone has ever had this happen before, and might know the cause.

    Thanks in advance...


    I've just purchased the Vienna Instruments Orch Strings I & II. The Orch strings I just will not install. After inserting the DVD #1 and following the instructions eventually it gets stuck on Violins 17.dat and an error message appears saying:

    "Cannot read installation package (file is corrupted?)"

    I've tried it about 6 or 7 times now and exactly the same thing happens. What's strange is that the Orch strings II had exactly the same message except that when I tried it for a second time it worked fine....?

    Has anyone seen this before, I think it's most likely something to do with the disc.

    I've downloaed all the current software and registered the VI's.

    Any help greatly appreciated
    Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:40 am


    Joined: 28 Sep 2006
    Posts: 35

    Hi Jim,

    I've had a few similar problems installing the VI libraries. I suggest you examine the surface of the DVD's to make sure there are no scratches or finger marks (if they're scratched, ask for a replacement) and make sure your DVDR drive is well-ventilated - I found the problem occurred more in the heat of last summer. What worked for me (once) was using a CD lens cleaner (a CD with little brushes which you insert in the drive and run for 30 seconds or so) prior to installation.
    Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:19 am

    Junior Member

    Joined: 06 Jul 2005
    Posts: 16

    Hi thanks for that. You've confirmed my suspicions! The DVD does have a little smear on it so I'll try giving it a clean.

    Thanks again

  • Jaimo, DKW, ther are indeed some known issues with DVD-drives and unfortunately this affects also a series of macs (especially earlier super-drive models). as posted earlier the main reason is an outdated or bad firmware in DVD-drives, another reason is heat insufficiently carried off - both leads to having the laser loosing focus.

    we have an older mirror-door here which also refuses to read DVDs from time to time - the message * corrupted* is then the more misleading, because what cannot be read is the file where the is pointing to ...

    of course it is always possible one or another DVD has a mechanical defect (eg. scratches, dust) from the manufacturing process, but in almost all cases it's a hardware problem - the DVDs itself are far within the current specification, as we have tested a significant sample.

    please consider the solution for mahlon lately - as soon the right firmware was there everything could be read flawlessly. if you notice a DVD to be unusually hot when changing to the next, i'd recommend to pause a while to prevent overheating of the drive.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.