@herb said:
Regarding Appassionata Strings it's simple not possible to offer more full string patches, because there are no more articulation in the double basses available.
For the Orchestral Strings more option would be possible, maybe we can offer an update in the future.
But the subject of this topic are full range patches of the Appassionatas, or did I miss the point?
I believe Jerome's suggestion was directly about the Appassionatas, but this issue really goes way beyond that. It's really about the other strings as well. I for one would love to see more options for the Ocrhestral Strings.
Anything that you can offer up in the way of full range would be great Herb. If it's not possible with the Appassionatas to have all, then do what you can, and maybe even if possible offer some Vls,Vas,Vcs with out the bass. The more we have to work the easier it is for us to use in our sketch work.
P.s - I just bought the Apassionatas online. I look forward to putting them to work.