My issue, was not with any critism, or request for more features - only that the first post off the bat was such a downer, and I thought anyone with any sensitivity would consider that this is a newly released library, and it's a bit low to put that there in *that* context, without considering first the hard work and good energy of the people involved who made this, what is, a beautiful library. I've heard the demo's and I already knew it would be fantastic from using the hearing the violins section the last few months.
But of course, there is nothing wrong with somebody expressing their own opinions, crtisisms, and requests for features, it's more a question of timing and context.
Certainly the people at VSL aren't going to be mortally wounded over it! But the fact is how would YOU feel, I suppose that is my point - if you consider that, coming onto the forum and reading something that reads as though they have made some kind of critical mistake "once again" about something you've just worked very hard on for a long time, and that is , in fact, exceedingly good quite contrary to what the subject of the post suggests. Of course you're going to know better, but that is not the point.
I think it's time that people on forums everywhere started reason their behaviour a little more, and to treat them like the public intellectual houses they are and not treat them as the public intellectual trash houses they are not, that is, you should take your coutesy and ethics with you that you use in your home, work and public onto the internet as well, and if you are drunk or something he he.... remember that you are drunk and in public, not a bar, which means other people might not also be drunk and sharing in the same experience as you. I think if you wouldn't normally say something like that or many other things in direct presence and company of the other people who are going to read it, then you shouldn't say it. In other words think if you would say that to another persons face in a person to person situation and you may find that you tend to say it very differently.