@cm said:
welcome Johnkenn,
unfortunately it seems steinberg has decided to not deliver cubase 4 in europe so far (what i personally do not understand at all - it is announced to arrive *somewhen in november* :-/) so we do not even have a copy to check out this behaviour.
however, assuming you're on a mac please provide some additional info about your system
Hey Christian - thanks for the response. I sent some screenshots to Maya last night. I really think the issue is that VSL is still vst 2.3. I used Logic for a few months while I waited for Cubase 4 to come out, and I got vsl to work as an AU plug with Logic 7.2.3. However, when I updated to vsl 1.1, vsl acts really strangely. It will work for a little while and then the sounds won't work - and sometimes, certain notes in the upper register will trigger the "play" button in Logic and the "auto punch" feature...very strange. If we can get it working in Cubase, I could care less about Logic - just thought I would pass that info along. Here's some of my info.
Dual 2.66 Xeon
3 ghz RAM
250 Gig Mac HD
300 gig Sounds HD
100 gig Songs HD
I run the apps on the Mac HD, write to the Songs HD, and use the Sounds HD to store and pull libraries from.