i like this kind of diskussion - primary because it would be really nice to be allowed using such a setup (and be it even for testing purposes only) ...
given the data througput would increase by the factor 100 (nice but not the point, because the amount of samples to be streamed parallel is not the issue) ...
given the latency would decrease by the factor 1000 (to ~20µs, very important because only such values would allow to reduce the buffer size) ...
so lets ask our management as an example for a 64 GB solid state disk with this specification, say the DSI3250 ... list price $ 190.000.- ... ouch ... well, maybe next year ...
[6] christian
given the data througput would increase by the factor 100 (nice but not the point, because the amount of samples to be streamed parallel is not the issue) ...
given the latency would decrease by the factor 1000 (to ~20µs, very important because only such values would allow to reduce the buffer size) ...
so lets ask our management as an example for a 64 GB solid state disk with this specification, say the DSI3250 ... list price $ 190.000.- ... ouch ... well, maybe next year ...
[6] christian
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.