Reading threads i had the feeling there is some confusion regarding what is what.
Orchestration is not composition!!! ...orchestration is the result from the practise of instrumentation. You may compose and do instrumentation in “one go” with a sample library, but still, orchestration is only the result. The basic classes for composition are: Instrumentation, Instrumentology, Harmony, Formenlehre, Music Theory etc..
a) The study and practice of arranging music for instruments.
b) The arrangement or orchestration resulting from such practice.
c) A list of instruments used in an orchestration.
(germ. Instrumentenkunde)
The study of the technical, physical, and technical possibilities of musical instrument.
a) A musical composition that has been orchestrated.
b) Arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra.
a) The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.
b) Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord.
c) The structure of a work or passage as considered from the point of view of its chordal characteristics and relationships.
Music theory
The is a field of study that describes the elements of music and includes the development and application of methods for analyzing and composing music, and the interrelationship between the notation of music and performance practice.
Professional Books on Instrumentation and Instrumentology:
There are no books in english who combine Instrumentation and Instrumentology. A whole university curriculum is published in german language by Schott:
Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde
by Herman Erpf
Schott's Söhne
Mainz 1959
This is quasi the instrumentation bible!!! ...the only one avaliable on this planet in book form.
Instrumentology Technical/Physical:
The Physics of Musical Instruments *
Rossing, T. D. and N. H. Fletcher (199[H].
Springer, New York.
Die Physik der Musik Instrumente (* the same in german)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Joseph Meifred and the Early Valved Horn in France
online resource
Acoustics of brass instruments
online resource
Instrumentology Specialized:
Die Flöte
by Pierre-Yes Artaud
Zimmermann Frankfurt.
New Techniques For The Bass Clarinet
by Henri Bok, Eugen Wendel
Neue Känge für Holzblasinstrumente
By Bruni Bartollozzi
Schott’s Sohne, Mainz
The Other Flute (second edition)
By Robert Dick
Multiple Breath Music
New York
The Techniques for Oboe Playing
By Peter Veale, Claus Steffen Mahnkopf
Kassel,Basel, London New York, Prag
(The first truly well-grounded compendium of new techniques of oboe playing)
Applying Natural Horn Technique to Modern Valved Horn Performance Practice
By Heidi F. Wick
Online resource
The Well Tempered Timpani
(did you know that you can play flageolets on a timpano?)
Online resource
Formenlehre der Musik
by Lemacher-Schroeder
Gerig Köln.
Harmony Jazz:
Jazz Harmonie Lehre – Funktionsharmonik und Modalität
By Axel Jungbluth
Mainz London New York Tokyo
Praxis Jazz Harmonisation – Anleitung zum Harmonisieren
By Axel Jungbluth
Mainz London New York Tokyo
An example of a Curriculum for Composition and Music Instrumentation:
Orchestration is not composition!!! ...orchestration is the result from the practise of instrumentation. You may compose and do instrumentation in “one go” with a sample library, but still, orchestration is only the result. The basic classes for composition are: Instrumentation, Instrumentology, Harmony, Formenlehre, Music Theory etc..
a) The study and practice of arranging music for instruments.
b) The arrangement or orchestration resulting from such practice.
c) A list of instruments used in an orchestration.
(germ. Instrumentenkunde)
The study of the technical, physical, and technical possibilities of musical instrument.
a) A musical composition that has been orchestrated.
b) Arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra.
a) The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.
b) Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord.
c) The structure of a work or passage as considered from the point of view of its chordal characteristics and relationships.
Music theory
The is a field of study that describes the elements of music and includes the development and application of methods for analyzing and composing music, and the interrelationship between the notation of music and performance practice.
Professional Books on Instrumentation and Instrumentology:
There are no books in english who combine Instrumentation and Instrumentology. A whole university curriculum is published in german language by Schott:
Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde
by Herman Erpf
Schott's Söhne
Mainz 1959
This is quasi the instrumentation bible!!! ...the only one avaliable on this planet in book form.
Instrumentology Technical/Physical:
The Physics of Musical Instruments *
Rossing, T. D. and N. H. Fletcher (199[H].
Springer, New York.
Die Physik der Musik Instrumente (* the same in german)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Joseph Meifred and the Early Valved Horn in France
online resource
Acoustics of brass instruments
online resource
Instrumentology Specialized:
Die Flöte
by Pierre-Yes Artaud
Zimmermann Frankfurt.
New Techniques For The Bass Clarinet
by Henri Bok, Eugen Wendel
Neue Känge für Holzblasinstrumente
By Bruni Bartollozzi
Schott’s Sohne, Mainz
The Other Flute (second edition)
By Robert Dick
Multiple Breath Music
New York
The Techniques for Oboe Playing
By Peter Veale, Claus Steffen Mahnkopf
Kassel,Basel, London New York, Prag
(The first truly well-grounded compendium of new techniques of oboe playing)
Applying Natural Horn Technique to Modern Valved Horn Performance Practice
By Heidi F. Wick
Online resource
The Well Tempered Timpani
(did you know that you can play flageolets on a timpano?)
Online resource
Formenlehre der Musik
by Lemacher-Schroeder
Gerig Köln.
Harmony Jazz:
Jazz Harmonie Lehre – Funktionsharmonik und Modalität
By Axel Jungbluth
Mainz London New York Tokyo
Praxis Jazz Harmonisation – Anleitung zum Harmonisieren
By Axel Jungbluth
Mainz London New York Tokyo
An example of a Curriculum for Composition and Music Instrumentation: