each G5 needs a dedicated drive for the Vis....
You also need to make sure that you buy an additional VI dongle for EACh G5 (they are 23$ each)
So my main G5 has a VI dongle For Strings I
My 2nd G5 has a dongle for Strings II
Plogue Bidule is only used on Slave G5 as a "host" for the Strings II Au VIs
each G5 needs a dedicated drive for the Vis....
You also need to make sure that you buy an additional VI dongle for EACh G5 (they are 23$ each)
So my main G5 has a VI dongle For Strings I
My 2nd G5 has a dongle for Strings II
Plogue Bidule is only used on Slave G5 as a "host" for the Strings II Au VIs