OK, let's try this one more time.
- Launch Synchron Player
- Click the cog wheel icon in the upper right corner(to the left of the Filename icon)
- Replace whatever is in the User Presets Folder field with:
/Users/user_name/Documents/ - Close the options dialog
- Quit the Synchron Player
- Relaunch the Synchron Player
- In the Filename panel hover over the User entry and click the folder icon
- type a simple folder name such as test (spaces allowed no quotes necessary) and click OK
- hover over the test entry and click the file icon
- type a simple file name such as my preset (spaces allowed, no quotes necessary) and click OK
- Look in your Finder under /Users/user_name/Documents/VSL/Vienna Synchron Player/Presets
You'll see your folders and preset files here.