Gents The discussion is interesting but I was trying to avoid MIR here and discuss the use of the Synchron player mics for Dolby Atmos a valid topic as it even has a dedicated video.
Gents keep cool. Dietz has mentioned many times in different threads that a Synchron instrument is not meant to be used in MIR. This is regretful but I fully understand that the close mics signals of the SY Stage A recordings are not dry enough as a source for MIR. So therefore I opened my separate topic purely dedicated to the full Synchron Libraries microphone use in particular for Dolby Atmos.
Dietz maybe you can clarify the relative microphone heights which should be entered in the Atmos objects. Firstly, am I correct that the SY decca tree and surround mics were at about 3 m above the stage and secondly do you have info on how high the "High" and High Sur" mics were mounted during the recording?
A last point on microphone positions; on the overview page of the libraries, the SY Brass and WW show a different, wider, surround microphone setup than the SY strings and percussion libraries. I am not sure why as especially the percussion instrument positioning covers the whole width of the SY Stage. Do all sketches on the library overview pages reflect the actual recording position or is there an issue with the sketches?
It is possible to set up the Atmos object consistent with the real microphone positions. So if these libraries would indeed have a different surround widths dependent on the instrument group that is easy to enter in the 3D panner.