It came to my attention that the way colourizing works with labelling in MIR is different to the way it works in VEP.
In VEP if the colour is too bright the label will have black font and vice versa. In MIR the font stays white even with very light colours making it very hard to read. See pic.
I understand that dark font is reserved for the selected instrument but don't see why the selected instrument's magic eye can't pulse bright yellow or maybe have ball or object orbiting it or some other highly visible graphic of some description. The little white highlight that the selected instrument currently has is completely insufficient and easily gets lost with all the other small white things on the screen. BTW my eye sight is fine.
And the MIDI activity should be much much brighter.
And the selected instruments label should DEFINITELY come to the front of any surrounding labels. At the moment there isn't any particular system. See GIF