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  • Some gripes about MIR Pro 3D

    I am really enjoying the sound of MIR Pro 3D. Especially the latest RoomPack 7.

    However, the UI is a bit of a mess IMHO. For instance. If I am working in Cubase and would like to change some settings in MIR for a particular instrument, to focus MIR Pro on that instrument (because I actually have over 100 instruments) I must do the following:

    Open VEP, select the correct Instance, navigate to the correct channel, click on the MIR Pro plugin to bring up the MIR pro UI, click on the 'Focus' button then open MIR Pro 3D from the task bar. Way too many steps!!

    I have tried work arounds with all the features of Bome MTP. But due to the lack of a search field in MIR I am unable to overcome this cumbersome part of my day to day workflow. 

    A solution might be to allow narrow channel heights on the left side. This would allow more than 12 instruments to be visible at any one time without the need to scroll. Or a search field.


  • Hi JBuck,

    great to hear that you're enjoying the sound of MIR 3D! :-)

    I agree that it's using two hosts in parallel (Cubase + VE Pro) complicates things a bit. I also agree that a "Search ..."-bar in MIR's instrument list would be a meaningful addition; I'll add it to the constantly growing list of suggested new features.

    I have a few suggestions for you, however. I'll attach screenshots to this message with a few markers, numbered from 1 to 5.

    #1 and #3: Actually, there already _is_ an option for narrowing the list of instruments, in VE Pro as well as in MIR 3D. Even on the small screen of my MacBook Air I can see around 40 channels/instruments at once like that.

    #2 is the plug-in's Focus-button you were mentioning. You will instantly have the respective Icon selected in the Venue Map, and it will be shown in the Instrument Panel, too, as soon as you activate "Follow Selection" (#4) in MIR's Venue Map Controls.

    #5 is the little-known "Find in Venue Map" button that helps to keep track in large arrangements, even when zoomed-in all the way. 

    ... maybe you found something there that will make your life easier. :-)

    Kind regards,


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    Yes, I discovered the channel height toggle. So now my workflow is much faster with MIR. 😊

    One question, what purpose does dragging channel(s) onto the stage area of the UI serve?. See GIF.

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    Dragging items is crucial when you have multiple tabs in MIR 3D (i.e. several halls, or several versions of the same hall with different settings). You'll drag the selected instruments to another "headline" in the list then. (see attachment). Just try it! Creating a new tab is as easy as clicking the "+"-sign in the right of the displayed Venue name on top of the map.

    ... dragging items to the map itself will do nothing, though. 😊



    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Dietz,

    will the Synchron stage blend well with the new room pack 7? When combining dry instruments with the SY wet ones.
    Any advice to make this work?

    Thank you,


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    @Dietz said:

    Just try it! Creating a new tab is as easy as clicking the "+"-sign in the right of the displayed Venue name on top of the map.

    This works really well. 

    I am still getting many many crashes with MIR Pro 3D.

    If MIR is still active in the task bar after closing a VEP project that uses MIR, when opening a new VEP project that uses MIR, it will crash.

    Also, clicking on the preferences or the settings cog in the top left while MIR is active in VEP will cause it to crash.

    I am on Windows 10 Using the latest versions of VEP and MIR.

  • Series And MIR Pro 3D/314611

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    No, I meant for example blending Synchron Elite strings (without MIR), with orchestral strings (vi-pro) into MIR Festenspielhaus. Could this layering work fine? If yes, any advice?

    Thank you,


  • I would strongly suggest to use RoomPack 6 - Synchron Stage Vienna to blend non-Synchron sources with Synchron Instruments, really. Other combinations _might_ work very well, but this will vary from case to case.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    It came to my attention that the way colourizing works with labelling in MIR is different to the way it works in VEP.

    In VEP if the colour is too bright the label will have black font and vice versa. In MIR the font stays white even with very light colours making it very hard to read. See pic.

    I understand that dark font is reserved for the selected instrument but don't see why the selected instrument's magic eye can't pulse bright yellow or maybe have ball or object orbiting it or some other highly visible graphic of some description. The little white highlight that the selected instrument currently has is completely insufficient and easily gets lost with all the other small white things on the screen. BTW my eye sight is fine.

    And the MIDI activity should be much much brighter.

    And the selected instruments label should DEFINITELY come to the front of any surrounding labels. At the moment there isn't any particular system. See GIF


  • Depending on the chosen Venue some colours are less visible than others, that's true. Just right-click the Icon (or the Instrument's entry in the list on the left) and assign any other colour you prefer. Most of the time it's sufficient to make the assigned colour a bit darker or brighter.

    The good news is that MIR 3D's "Roles" will remember their colours, too. You can even apply them without changing any other parameter (just de-select them in the selection panel at the bottom of the Preset Manager).


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    It doesn't matter what colour the instrument is, the font will be white. This restricts greatly our colour selection choice to dark colours in order to see the name of the instrument properly.

    And the selected instruments label should DEFINITELY come to the front of any surrounding labels. At the moment there isn't any particular system. See GIF

    The little white highlight that the selected instrument currently has is completely insufficient and easily gets lost with all the other small white things on the screen

    In a nut shell, lots and lots of improvements need to be made to the graphics of this software.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I'll forward them to VSL's developers and graphics designers.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • (Deleted by user)

  • I am having difficulty getting Roles to load correctly. After loading a Venue preset, what causes an instrument to  be grey in the list on the right in the Role window? And what causes the * in the instrument name after a Venue preset is loaded? 


    And there is some weird graphics glitch going on as well. See pic.


  • Hi JBuck,

    yes, the graphical bug is an old one, but AFAIR it is really hard to fix as it is related to some kind of glitch in the graphics library MIR 3D has to rely on. It is not doing any harm to your project and easy to get rid of by changing the height of of the list entrances, but it's a bit embarrassing nonetheless.

    Regarding "Roles": I have asked VSL's developers to look into the graphical implementation of this concept again, just to make sure that there is no inconsistency. In the meantime I kindly ask you to refer to MIR 3D's manual - it contains a section that covers this unique feature thoroughly. :-)


    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    I will try to answer your questions:

    @Another User said:

    And what causes the * in the instrument name after a Venue preset is loaded? 

    It means that the current settings in the instrument differ from the chosen role preset. You can then (if the venue preset is not read-only) save it (and overwrite your settings) or just press the apply button. Then the star should go away (especially if you have everything checked in the "Apply Role Presets" section).

    The same goes for venue presets.

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    Thanks for answering my questions.

    Here is a video showing the Role presets not loading when they should be.


  • Hi!

    Thank you for that video! I can see at least one thing: The Cello Player 5 is missing a "P". I is saying Dimension Player 5 Solo Orchestra. But should be saying Dimension Player P5 Solo Orchestra.

    For the Violins, the role id looks indetical, but I suspect that maybe there is a wrong space character somewhere.

    Please try to re-assign that role (you can do the same for the cello), by dragging the role from the left to this specific instrument in the list on the right.

    An easier way to assign roles inside a venue preset to your instruments would be to click on the arrow down symbol next to the grey role. There you can also select (and especially search) the role you want to assign.



    I also spotted the mistake for the Violins. Somehow the role you want to assign to is not called "11 Dimension Violin P8 solo Orchestra I" but "11 Dimension Violin P8 solo Orchestra  I".
    Note the additional space between Orchestra and the I.


  • Great! Thanks for that.

    Those typos must have been due to me trying to rename things to get them to load properly. I had assumed Roles were assigned based on channel not based on name. Now that I understand that, I should be okay.
