@RyderP said:
Thanks for the tip.
So what I'm understanding, is there' no way to directly change the type of instrument in the player itself.
What if I remove a brass sound channel and later decide I want it back? If I add another channel to the mixer I hear nothing out of it and can find no where to set it to a brass sound.
Also In a patch there's a string sound and a woodwind sound. What if I want to remove the woodwind sound and have a full piano roll of the string sound!
Thanks for your help!
I'm not answering your question exactly, but rather I'd like to give you an understanding of the basic principle again. The knowledge should then answer all your questions.
Midi / Midi-Sound-Module
While with midi sound modules all instruments may be in one track, this is possible because the instruments are distributed to different midi channels. So if there are notes with midi channel 7 for example, the sound module knows that it has to play notes with midi channel 7 e.g. with the oboe sound. The Synchron-Player does not recognize midi-channel information.
Synchron Sample Player
You have to assume that the synchron player can only play one sound at a time, but of course in multiple voices. In the case of the Smart Orchestra, several sounds can be played simultaneously, but all the selected sounds will play the same music.
So how to play different melodies with different Instruments? For a better understanding, imagine a score for a conductor. Each line of notes represents one instrument. Each note line therefore needs a separate synchron player. In the case of the Smartorchestra, you then set up each instance to play exactly the one instrument for the corresponding note line.
This means, of course, that you also have to set up a midi track for each instrument. If, for example, an oboe plays on the violin 1 midi track, these notes should be moved to a new track for the oboe only. Unlike the midi track, with samples you have to select different articulations for the instrument in question, which is usually not the case with midi.
Once you have internalized the principle, you will quickly get used to it.