I can't open ANY projects anymore on Mac after having installed todays "helper" update. All instances just give me a popup window saying "The project you are trying to load is invalid."
How can I roll back to an earlier version? I can't find any older iLok versions of VEP7/helper...?
Also, it's a bit confusing in the Vienna Assistant that there are now two installations under "Software" of Vienna Ensemble Pro 7+Mir Pro. V7.1.1249 and V7.1.77. Even if I install V7.1.77, it is still V7.1.1249 that is installed/running. And the installation sizes are very different between the two - what are they really installing? Helpers, VEP7...?
EDIT: Even if I try using the "Import from project" feature, I get a "Decryption failed with error 2" popup and then nothing happens.
EDIT2: Thankfully I could get working again by uninstalling the iLok version and re-install the eLicenser version. Dont know what's up with the new iLok version.