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  • same problem here (all older projects before the iLok update cannot be opened)

      .... sorry, but that's absolutely ridiculous if this isn't a bug, cause it was definitely not communicated that older eLicenser projects are not compatible

    went back to eLicenser version

  • Same problem here, i get back to old version for elicenser 7.0.1120 and it works again ...

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    Working on the fix for this, should be there soon.

    Meanwhile, please uninstall 7.1.1249 with the UNINSTALL option in the Vienna Assistant, then roll back to 7.1.1245 manually for now:

    Mac VE Pro 7.1.1245
    Win VE Pro 7.1.1245

    Sorry for the inconvenience, new territory 😊


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    My situation, too. New version won't open projects, and crashes when I try to load instruments. The Mac VE Pro 7.1.1245 version just crashes. Downloaded 7.0.1120 from my account, works OK. Whew.

    @Jeums said:

    Same problem here, i get back to old version for elicenser 7.0.1120 and it works again ...

  • Paul, what is the procedure going forward with the iLok version and loading pre-iLok projects?
    Are these projects intended to just load without problems or do we need to save new versions while still having eLicenser present?

    I believe that old projects loaded perfectly fine with the first iLok VEP7 version so I hope it is just a matter of you getting a fix done so it works again:)


    EDIT: With 1245 old projects are all loading fine!

  • Hi, 

    Working update just released. 

    Please click REFRESH in the upper right corner of your Vienna Assistant and install all available updates. 

    Really sorry about the inconvenience!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • 1263 results: VS Pro Equalizer doesn't work. Extant instances are kaput, new instances have no analyzer at all.

    The Kontakt 6.7.1 overload upon connecting may have ceased, or reinstantiating the whole thing may have done. But it now, even as I see signal, makes no sound (its keyboard, MIDI from Nuendo, it just doesn't sound.).

    Learning Automation in BFD3 while connected to Nuendo or Cubase hangs fatally. VEP is behaving a bit like it's coupled to Nuendo and it is not. Every operation is slower than I've seen since like VEP 4, saves of server project worse than saves of instances. Disabling channels while connected or re-enabling, scary. So any change I want to make I have to close the Nuendo proj to do safely. Add plugin, could crash it. Edit plugin, scary.

    1263 may have solved the invalid project per se...

    OK, it's more than the Kontakt won't sound. Just now everything except the Kontakt and the BFD3 quit sounding.  at one point instantiating an EQ seemed to stop the sound. 

    The no-Synchron in MIRacle is hurting me. I had a killer snare sound in this project, that's gone, EQs don't work. EDIT: oddly, it looks like an EQ on a VI or Synchron channel is fine. All of them in the drums instance are kaput. At this point the project loads with these x-d out like they aren't there. I suppose EQ settings that go back are what wouldn't load. WRONG. The ones I just set up, my day's work, are x-d out upon restart. The correspondence with BFD3 outputs isn't solid, some channels are dead. This I've replicated twice.

    This is a nightmare.

  • "This is a nightmare" - Agreed.

    I can open my pre-ilok-projects with 1263, but except for straight-forward OUT1/2-Busses with no processing I don't get any sound into my DAW! OUT3/4 etc. DO NOT WORK!

    What I don't get: What does any of this have to do with iLok?

    Am I supposed to downgrade to eLicenser/1120 now again? This is becoming tedious... If I was a pro and not just a hobbyist, I would've lost a lot of money with this "Upgrade"...

  • The no sound thing is outputs quit, or don't even start, but an output channel can be fine one moment and gone the next. I spent all day and a save I made towards the end ot the day, the server project opened with the EQs and other plugins I had reworked in instance 3 x-d out again. But fortunately the instance saved correctly. But this instance finally wouldn't sound at all. I'm enabling 4 stereo outs, 0 giving me sound (it's all receiving MIDI and showing signal) and I simply gave up today. This instance would alternate with another group feeding the output working while drums don't. Rarely would both sound. The other instances have similar problems except its EQs and such loaded normally every time.

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    @Crabman74 said:

    I can open my pre-ilok-projects with 1263, but except for straight-forward OUT1/2-Busses with no processing I don't get any sound into my DAW! OUT3/4 etc. DO NOT WORK

    can't count on 1-2 working here. I'm beginning to think any processing effect stops the sound of the channel dead. I tend to have a MIRacle instance in the master bus.

  • I hope, they'll fix all this after this weekend. 1263 is unusable, thus I can only work with the eLicenser 1120 version in vePro... Sad.

  • it is completely useless as is.
    Another thing which is just stupid is getting rid of any possibility to empty an automation slot.
    EDIT again: today I have managed to hear all channels in the (3-instance) project. For this, one of my st. outputs works, not more than one, in an instance. In two of them it happens to be 7-8, the other 1-2. The Equalizer Pro in the integrated plugin blocks audio, in some cases (in one of them it absolutely does); this is definite. In some cases MIR instantiated on a ch. blocks audio, then it doesn't; this too is definite. The whys and wherefores of these, who knows.

    What does "Disable MIR AU Plugins mean" or supposed to DO? Why would disabled plugins be a default? I'm on a Mac, as far as I know the MIR is AU, what isn't AU about anything unless I have specified VST. So my obvious assumption is hell NO.

    If I have to un/reinstall VEP, which is all the time now, I wind up having to scan plugins which I don't need to do otherwise at all, in any way whatsoever. A GIANT TIME SUCK.

  • Hey Paul, any updates on all the issues. As of now, 1263 is unusable. I have to stay on eLicenser 1120...

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    @Crabman74 said:

    Hey Paul, any updates on all the issues. As of now, 1263 is unusable. I have to stay on eLicenser 1120...


    I moved back to 7.0.1056 <-- the only version that does not crash so far as I've tested. Yea, I'm not liking' this.

  • This is a new one. BFD3 in VE Pro (yes it's a big instantiation of) made the project completely unable to perform.
    I was waiting 7, 8 secs for playback to recover, hangs, can't view VE Pro for long periods...

    I finally went to using it in Nuendo and it performs very well, and the VE Pro project is performing, not well but I can stand it, without it. The opposite of my expectation. But I think this system runs very, very well, just this iLok (I think the layer of translation needing a Vienna Helper is the culprit) is ruinous.

  • I just installed 1298 and I am having the same problem. All my old projects come up as invalid. This is on Monterey,

    I have a side PC running VEP 7.0.x, that one can read all the files still.

    I will try rolling back for now. If any more info can help you guys fix it, please each out!

  • I have just read through this entire thread hoping to see how this problem has been solved (as it says in the header to the thread). But, I can’t see a solution.

    I’m on a MacBook Pro running Big Sur after having had to downgrade from Monterey 12.3 with Apple’s help. Why? don’t get me started. But Big Sur is stable and working for me at the present time.

    Now, having used Vienna Assistant to transition to iLok, (many more hours to go) my Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 software crashes as soon as I run a project in Digital Performer 11. The crash report is 151 pages of impenetrable code. The project uses 4 instances within VEP7. I’m wondering if the problem might be new locations for some of the libraries used. I had to be creative to free up enough space for the réinstallation of the now iLok encrypted files and some libraries are in new locations. I thought that was taken care of by Vienna Assistant after I changed the location before installing, but maybe I’m wrong.

    Any ideas would be welcome.


  • The [SOLVED] heading was applied in early April when Paul was told that the latest version fixed "everything", but it did not, and that version on Macs is working very poorly if it works at all. On Windows I doubt the new version works (none of my projects would load when I used the previous version, and I find no mention of it working for Windows users anywhere in the forum still). 

    The long and the short of it is you will have to revert to the eLicenser versions of your libraries, Synchron Player and VEP plugins.

    I will not trust any new versions for at least a year at this point. I have lost nearly a thousand dollars in billable hours in time wasted trying to get this to work. The eLicenser versions work just fine.

    Do NOT try to install the Futanaro Flute freebie, as it only installs via the Vienna Assistant that that installation will break your Synchron Player if still using the eLicenser versions.


  • The projects invalid was fixed at that time, and very quickly. It's unfortunate that SOLVED in the title, as many problems appeared since.
    I "lost" my dongle, and I didn't see it as too viable to buy Vienna Protection beforehand for such a short time so I was forced to go iLok. If I had jobs during this I would absolutely stick with what works. 1120 on the elicenser. Right now it's all functional, except that one of two instances in a Server Project load in the default window rather than remember both, for some reason. VSL advises the two can't be mixed.

  • the free flute has to be activated to disk, actually, so does the BBO free