No stepper?
Is that what I would call a crescendo pedal? From the pictures I have of the actual organ, I think it might have a Rollschweller crescendo roller to the left of the swell pedals. so something like that would useful.
As for another wish list item (and perhaps it's already got that but I'm not able to download it until this evening), super- and sub-octave couplers with unison on/off.
I'm looking forward to trying the tremulant - you can't really use the Vox Humana without it!
With Stepper I meant two buttons (>> and <<😉 to advance forward or backward sequentially through the registration slots with single commands (from the sequencer). Addressing each of the 12x12 registration slots by individual key switches seems tedious... (and only 144 slots seems a bit 1950-ish...)
I only installed it last nite, so I may (hopefully) be overlooking something, but there are no swell pedals to be seen either, so I guess one has to simulate swell behavior with a CC (11 perhaps 😊
There are super- and sub couplers, but no unison off, as far as I can see...