The good news is, following an attempted insurrection by the crude forces of dogmatism, modern science has reasserted its long-term possession of certain territory in the field of audio engineering,
The bad news is that the attempted insurrection happened at all, and here in VSL's forum.
In the Mac's dictionary, "dogmatism" is defined as "the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true, without consideration of evidence ..."
Over the past 5 centuries, modern science has shown the value that empiricism brings to the progress of human existence. Do we want to turn the clock back to pre-modern times, when often absurd dogmas ruled the roost pretty much across the board? I don't think so. Do we appreciate attempts to drag us back there? I don't think so.
So I'll just say this. Let's be careful who we listen to and believe, and let's make sure that the long-established value and reputation of empiricism in the disciplines of mathematics, science and engineering are protected and upheld against any who try to cast them aside imperiously as if mere trash. Also there are further offences to watch out for and guard against, such as bush-league sophistry and smearing tactics, as used since time immemorial to pave the way for, defend and promote dogmatism.
Over and out.