The answer is not as simple as a "yes" or "no". :-)
As long as you really want to switch between Vienna Konzerthaus - GroΓer Saal (or Mozartsaal) and The Sage Gateshead - Hall One, there would be the option of using the MIRx Mode presets provided for these Venues. In that scenario, all players would "magically" find their proper places all by themselves.
If you just want to bring over your 80 players to another Venue (one that doesn't offer MIRx Mode presets), but without expecting them to find themselves a "ready to roll" setting, then changing Venue is as simple as selecting one from MIR Pro' Venue Selection. Depending on the shape and size of the Venue, you will have to re-adjust position(s), maybe Main and Secondary Microphone setup, and most of all: The RoomEQ settings. The good news is that MIR can manage the latter by itself: All Output-related parameters are saved and recalled as "MIR Engine Projects" from the File ...-dialog in MIR Pro's main window.
... and as long as you have all your players instantiated within VE Pro rather than your DAW, you can rely on VE Pro's so-called Channel Sets to manage Venue-specific player settings - individual ones or groups.