Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • A children choir would be for sure, a new jewel in VSL’s cases, and all the more because of the renowned Wiener Sangerknaben !

    Hande verschlingen euch. Freudig zum Ringverein !(Mahler 8th”.

    Best ! 

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    die Qual der Wahl, am Besten gleich alle Knabenchöre 

    😎  take it all....

    or take the Windsbacher Knabenchor    👍

    In addition, I have been working with computer art since 1992, where I also won prizes. These activities I always practiced as a sideline, mostly as a hobby. Currently I have started to work in the field of art as an AI operator.
  • Hello, I like all proposals. But I really hesitated between the children's choir and the legato combo. 

     I finally voted for children's choirs because the maximum emotion often comes from singing, especially if it's children's singing. 

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    Tough decision. All the options are good and given the stellar (see what I did here? 😉) quality of the BBO series, we can expect another great addition to the BBO universe. Personally, I would have liked to see the legato combos, but I won't complain about a children's choir either.

    Happy Christmas and all the best for 2021!

  • Thank you all for your numerous votes! The majority of participants chose the Children’s Choir, and we’re happy to oblige!

    We look forward to the recordings for Big Bang Orchestra: Ymir in 2021.


    We congratulate the three winners:





    A note to the winners: Due to the current precautionary measures related to COVID-19 we'd like to wait a bit to invite the children to the recording sessions. Please bear with us, you’ll receive your prize as soon as we'll be able to create the library.


    Happy Holidays everyone!

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL