I welcome these templates as well and am enjoying studying the Expression Maps. With the Dimension strings, perhaps because I first created my own maps before Dorico 3.5, I missed your trick of using a con sord as an add-on which actually simplifies things rather. In fact, it's puzzling why you didn't simply include additional odd-ons for all the player divisions as that's just a few minutes work and seems to work flawlessly. Of course the corresponding p.t's would also need to be generated which is a few more! Incidentally, when in con sord mode, any p.t when cancelled must have the con sord reapplied as ord specifically exits mute mode (A0). Obviously pizz comes into this category, as does detache. Articulations (marked with symbols) work differently as I'm sure you know.
On the Synchronized orchestra vol 1 and 2, I've found some odd dynamics with my own pieces (compared to my own maps) but there are various possible reasons for that and I'm now off to listen to your demo tracks -- thanks for making the scores available which will be very helpful.