Without naming it here, I've been familiarising myself with a voicing-management app I've just bought. It's basically a MIDI front-end real-time polyphonic voice-distribution utility app that works with DAWs to achieve auto-divisi and to make some simple orchestration configurations amenable to polyphonic live playing.
The biggest issue I have with it is its grotesquely over-inflated price tag - I reckon it's at least 4x overpriced for what it is. Perhaps we're supposed to overlook that and just be grateful because right now there's no real alternative in the market. But in my view the developers (perhaps led up the garden path by their "authorised reseller") have done themselves no favours, because (1) the nasty pricing leaves a very bad and long-lasting aftertaste (creatives don't want that kind of odium associated with their tool kit), and (2) the app is certainly not rocket science and so there will be competitors before too long; then guess who'll be exposed and shunned as overly precious and greedy little piggies.
I took the painful hit in buying the app because there's no free demo (that I could find) and I needed to know certain technical things about it, having to do with my forthcoming Situater Environment Subsystem. Now that I've a clearer view of the odious overpricing I couldn't let it pass without posting some sort of warning here.
I'm pretty sure VSL could and should compete with this product, and produce a modestly-priced voicing-management app (perhaps sort of like VI Pro's Auto-Voicing on steroids) that would be excellent for auto-divisi and various 'auto-orchestration' tasks. Live polyphonic playing of templates with Sy Dimension and BBO libraries would be greatly assisted and enhanced; but of course the extent of the whole potential field of use cases is huge.