I appreciate your report Dave! Thank you. Shall wait to update then.
I can also confirm that I am having the same issue as others. I am running 9 Instances of VEP7 split over two PC Slave Machines, with about 190+ Stereo Outputs coming back into DP.
The time it takes to add a Midi or Audio track is about 20 secs, and moving tracks and folders also takes about the same time. As soon as I disconnect the VEP7 instances, DP works as normal.
I have a tech support running with MOTU and glad to see others have raised this too. I thought it might be something to do with my template or the number of outputs I need to run it.
So pleased to read that VSL and MOTU are communicating with each other to help resolve this.
Great news! Good to know I wasn't the only one experiencing this issue. Still, I'm amazed that I was the first one to report it (or so it appears). Perhaps my template or use of the plug is unordinary. Regardless, happy!
I too am having problems Problems.
With Plugins. It seems to do with Ilok stuff... See when I updated Vienna Instruments software, 6 and 7 and added Synchron Player, I get Beach ball on loading all my old TV film projects with 6 Pro and 7!! IT loads sometimes, but other times crashes. It happens on my empty templates too. My templates have 4 instances each having 16 midi. Woodwinds, Brass, Strings, Percussion. It seems to crash when i have all four or more instances loaded. I also noticed the License error in combination. It is like the USB ports on mac is over worked, and ilok looses sync. Then it crashes. When you add Audio tracks with MAS it does it too. I can replicate it too. So you are not crazy at all. Its becoming frustrating now. I love my vienna stuff and built my studio setups around it. Its a resource problem! I think programmers are pushing the limits.
I should make a video too. Also have it with MOTU DP 10.5. Getting rally bad when you can't load a past project for Director without hrs of crashes and cant add multiple audio tracks anymore. Also data corruption in Instruments Pro and ensemble Pro project files. Random values in Pitch. I am sure they will sort it out. Vienna does good when they see the issues.
Kind Regards
Hi Bross,
Please send your crash reports to support@vsl.co.at, so we can look into it. If you are using all the latest versions, automatic crash reports should be sent (you can add your email and details when those occur).
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support