I sent a support ticket to UAudio... anyone else experience something similar?
UAudio, I have a large orchestral Vienna Ensemble Pro AU3 template in Logic X and believe I have identified that my UAudio interface is locking up some real time processing during playback. Buffer size can be 512 or 1024, and I'll experience massive amounts of pops/clicks/distortion when playing back passages that contain lots of notes from my virtual instruments on my slave PC. CPU meters in Logic X are all low. CPU meters on PC slave are medium. CPU meters in the virtual instruments are medium. Disk speeds for these virtual instruments are all very good as well (624 MB/s... of course everything is on SSD drives). In Logic X Preferences, when I switch Output and Input devices to external headphones (instead of Universal Audio Thunderbolt), the problem goes away. Other settings include recording at 48kHz. My Universal Audio DSP reads 62%. Finally, I experienced some crashes when reconnecting my UAudio interface, which I have attached. A couple times, I received an odd error message during playback of one of these busy orchestral passages which required me to reboot, which I have also attached. Note, that I still have my UAD plugins active when I switch my Output/Input Devices to External Headphones and they do not seem to cause any problems.