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  • VEP 7 Server - How to sync MIDI clock?

    Hey, I'm having fun using VEP Server 7.0.789.  However VEP ignores tempo from my DAW .  I am using the (7.0.789) plugin to connect to the 64 bit 7.0.789 VEP server via Gigabit Ethernet (both sides are Windows 10).  Everything else works great.  I can play Epic Orchestra and my other VST's, but tempo is not coming over.  Do any of you have any ideas on what might be blocking the tempo/clock?  I have tried Studio One and Cantabile to run the plug-in, with the same result.
    When I first start VEP Server 64 bit it says 120 in the tempo box in the bottom right.  As soon as I connect via VST plug-in it goes to zero.  I've been messing with it all afternoon and can't figure it out.  Any ideas?

  • does it show nothing when you're running the sequencer?

  • Correct, also if I play/record in Studio One or Cantabile and the clock starts up, nothing changes.  Tempo 0.

  • Hi richmn, 

    Tempy Sync has not been touched since VE Pro 6, no troubles with the bigger sequencers so far, 

    We will check Studio One and Cantabile asap.

    Any input from forum members most welcome!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I was able to delete a preferences folder in Cantabile to start 'fresh'.  Is there a way to do that for Vienna Ensemble?  (for both server and VST client plug-in).  How do I get to a fresh seems to remember settings when I uninstall/reinstall?

  • Under Windows there is a config file under %appdata%\VSL\Vienna Ensemble Pro.ini
    Delete this file and VEP will create a new one next time with default settings.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Thanks bbelius,  I:

    • Uninstalled (both sides)
    • Deleted the config files in appdata
    • Reinstalled Server/VST as Administrator.  Everything looks 'fresh' on the settings front.
    • Created brand new VSL Server Project and DAW Project files to start anew.

    I still have 0 tempo when I connect from Studio One 4 or Cantabile 3.  

    Given an available trial or free version of any other (Windows) DAW/VST Host, I'm willing to install and replicate your steps where one can receive tempo in VEP.

  • You can try Cubase (30 days trial):

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I installed Cubase Elements to try.  In the attached screenshot you can see:

    • Cubase transport active (play icon illuminated, tempo 145)
    • Local VST EZDrummer picking up 145 tempo
    • VEP plugin Connected
    • 0 Tempo in VEP Server (bottom right)


  • Can you insert a plugin in VEP that shows the tempo. Maybe the label is broken but the tempo is correctly transmitted.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I just loaded Syntronik which shows its remote clock.  Syntronik was one of the first arp apps where I could hear something wasn't matched up.  I would change tempo and hear no change on the VEP side of things.

    If I have an app that displays bpm/tempo, they use/show 120 when VEP shows 0.  I just attached a screenshot where you can see the local VST sync'd to tempo and VEP is not passing it on to the same VST in the server.

    (Screenshot attached, VST Host-108, Syntronik local 108 vs Syntronik VEP 120/0)


  • I would check if the issue is still there when using VEP on the local machine.
    I don't use it over the network, but on my local machine this is no issue.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • When I start VEP 7 Stand-alone, I can adjust the tempo manually  - the plug-ins in that instance change their tempo to match it.   The server version does not appear to allow you to modify the tempo.

  • I don't thought about the standalone version. If I understand correctly, you are using VEP on a secondary computer. Do you get the same result if you run VEP on the same computer as your DAW?

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Bbelius - I just tried a couple things on the DAW/Host machine.  I like the idea of trying scenarios on both machines to see if one is different somehow.  But I get the same results on the other machine too:

    • VEP 7 Standalone - insert plug-in, adjust tempo manually by double clicking on the bottom right of VEP, observe plug-in picking up tempo.  Works.
    • VEP 7 Server 64 (local) - Added VST EZ Drummer, Launched Cantabile, connected to VEP 7 Server as Localhost.
      • Change Tempo to 108 in Cantable, started transport, changed Tempo to 140.
      • Tempo goes to 0 in VEP 7 Server after connection and does not change.
      • EZDrummer (or Syntronik) remains stuck at 120 and does not respond to tempo changes.
    • Just for fun I reversed the whole thing between machines also.  I went to the original VEP Server machine and launched Cantabile over there and connected to this second machine now running the server.  Same result. 


  • Ok, thank you for trying. I just wanted to exclude the possibility that there is something wrong with the network communication.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Can anyone out there confirm that VEP 7 Server receives tempo from the remote DAW/VST Host over Ethernet?
    If so, can you share the steps I can follow to make it work with a particular DAW?   All I get is '0' in the tempo indicator in Vienna Ensemble as soon as I connect.

  • Thanks for the reports everyone. We have located and fixed a bug in the VST2 version of the VEPro plugin, that causes problems with tempo.

    The next update (very soon!) will contain the fix.

  • Was this ever fixed?  I'm having the same problem with AU3 plugin to VEP on same machine.

  • It was fixed for me!