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  • VEP7 first impression and questions

    Just installed VEP7 to try it out.  First, congradulation on getting it released.


    1. How can I obtain the AU3 beta to try it out?  the installer has this box greyed out.  
    2. The manual states that articulation names will be displayed for ViPro instruments, but i can't seem to get that to work.  Synchron player is showing the articulation names, but VIPro channels are not.  Is this a documentation error, bug or user-error?

    Observations FWIW

    1. Loading old projects in LPX based on VEP6 worked fine and loaded the instance data into VEP7
    2. I think load time was approx about the same as VEP6.  I don't have hard measurements.
    3. CPU usage seems a little lighter compared to VEP6, but not by a lot and I might be imaginging it.
    4. Love the Plugin management improvements.  That might be the biggest VEP7 improvement for me.  A few plugins did not validate, which used to validate and work under VEP6.  But at least VEP7 did not crash while scanning plugins like VEP6 used to do.  Ability to disable plugins and have favorites is gold, thank you!
    5. I like how the VEP plugin and FX plugins have a menu item to change their scale, which help a lot on my Retina monitor.  PLEASE add that to ViPro.
    6. New FX are nice, looking forward to exploreing some of the presets as they apply to my ViPro instruments. In case anyone is wondering, they do not work directly in your DAW, they can only be used inside VEP, which is to be expected IMHO.
    7. Multiport environment macros still work!  Yay!  I was getting more dropped NoteOff problems compared to VEP6 though, especially if I mouse around in other apps while its playing.  I am still testing that, but I could go for hours with VEP6 and never lose a NoteOff with Multiport macros, but now there are more dropped NoteOff's.  :-(
    8. Would be nice if frame files using VIenna Suite plugins would load into VEP7 using the built in plugins.  For example some of the example projects provided on VSL website include use of VIenne suite EQ.  For example, the E.T. Score.  If I load those frame files into VEP7, the vienna suite EQ still does not load, I get an error about plugins not available.  
    9. In addition to more dropped NoteOff's (using multiport enviornment trick), I have experience some cases where the audio buffer seemed to jump forward in time, like a broken record skipping a short section of music.   This happened while I was mousing around in another app and LPX/VEP7 were playing back.  More testing needed to see if I can replicate it again, but it happend twice already so far.  its possible I had the VEP preferences window open too, which would be somewhat understandable.

    My overall impression is that its an improvement over VEP6.  Some of the new features are not of much interest to me, so I do have to say for me its a fairly expensive upgrade, especially in light of the multi-license policy changes.  The Plugin management is a very welcome improvement that I think everyone will appreciate.  I may find some use for the FX presets.  Eventually, AU3 will be useful, but as of now, its not useful for most people and I can't seem to find it to try it anyway, but based on Paul's video about it, I think most people will not want to monkey with it.   The improvements to automation are also very welcome improvements that I have yet to try out.  The ability to enable and disable instances, folders and channels, etc..   I don't really need that feature, but I think some people will find that useful.  Overall I would consider most of these refinements to be very good and welcome refinements, its not a major change to the software by any means.  I still have to work through why I'm getting more dropped NoteOff's and strangeness somehow at times...overall the playback feels smoother and lighter on the CPU, but then that is happening more often now for some reason, but that's also involving the Logic enviornment multiport trick...I think most people are not messing with that so it may not matter.

  • Hi,

    A2: Try updating the Vienna Instruments Player. After that it should work.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @bbelius said:


    A2: Try updating the Vienna Instruments Player. After that it should work.

    Best, Ben


    Already using the latest version which is from 2018...  

  • Oh, sorry. You're right. Seems like they forget to release the update.
    After the update it will work just like with the Synchron player.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @bbelius said:

    Oh, sorry. You're right. Seems like they forget to release the update.
    After the update it will work just like with the Synchron player.

    You must be a beta tester.  😉  any chance the update has the zoom feature like the other new plugins to make the UI bigger on retina monitor?

  • Having plroblem with au validation

    REmatrix+1.2.9 failed

    How to rescan single plugin

  • Hi, 

    Ooops, we will upload the new player versions asap, sorry about that. 

    @Dewdman42: You need to be on macOS 10.13.6 or higher and Logic Pro X 10.4.4 to install AU3. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Dewdman42 said:

    You must be a beta tester.  😉  any chance the update has the zoom feature like the other new plugins to make the UI bigger on retina monitor?

    The only change I found is the articulation display in VEP. But you are not the only person requesting this feature. Here is Paul's response:

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @kohlhtor said:

    How to rescan single plugin

    Go to Options -> Preferences -> Plugins
    then right-click on the plugin you want to rescan and klick on "Rescan plugin".

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @Paul said:

    @Dewdman42: You need to be on macOS 10.13.6 or higher and Logic Pro X 10.4.4 to install AU3. 

    Well given that AU3 is really not fully functional yet due to LPX deficiencies...I won't worry about it.  Sad to hear you built that only for High Sierra or newer as I don't wnat to leave Sieera until I'm absolutely forced to.  Was there really a High Sierra requirement in the software somehow?

  • thank

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    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It would be helpful to put the "NEW" there :)

    Also, even though the installation doesn't require a re-boot, I found that doing that solved a few small problems I was having.

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • Thanks Paul.  I do have to say this increased CPU usage a lot when I started getting the articulation updates on the screen.  It appears to me VEP is taking a lot more cpu in order to update its own GUI.  if you minimize the VEP window CPU usage drop a lot.  And I notice a big change this away after updating VIPro to get the aerticulation updates happening.

    So just one suggestion, have a look at how much CPU is getting eaten by VEP to update the articulation names when the GUI is active, but secondary to that, an option for us to turn it off entirely would be welcome

  • Been testing with Cubase 10 now.  using exactly the same midi file and VEP frame as I was using to test with LogicPro.

    Overall CPU usage on this machine is WAY higher with Cubase then with Logic.  LIke Double.  That being said, playback was flawless, not any dropped notes or noteOff, hanging notes, etc.. as is the case when using LPX and multiport macro.

    Quite impressed with the playback under Cubase, but as I said, CPU usage is hitting 80% using the example ET Score from VST site, from LPX, the same score plays back and rarely goes over 40%.  It could be that Logic is under utliizing the CPU in some way, which is why its getting dropped events.  Not sure.  Just an observation.

    I am definitely noticing that since I updated the VIPro just now, CPU use of VEP is higher when the GUI is active.  I am guessing this is related to to keeping the articulation names updated, but whatever it is, I could live without that if its going to be so expensive on the CPU.

  • Hi, 

    Good points there, let's see what can be done regarding the real-time display. 

    The performance of Cubase under macOS has unfortunately been underwhelming with VE Pro 6 as well. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • well it might be underhwhelming in terms of hitting the CPU hard, but I also have to say it was very smooth and glitch free audio on Cubase..  I think Logic tends to have problems choking on too many midi events, while CPU utilization is still quite low.  

    I just ran the GUI refresh test on LPX also..  I think the GUI updating is adding 10-20% of cpu utilization there as well when the VEP gui window is active.  I really noticed this after I upgrade VIPro to get the articulation names, but I wasn't looking that hard before, its possible the GUI is always adding some CPU usage, which makes sense that it would, but I think 10-20% is far too much for that.  If so we need option to disable those things where are nice to have but not really always neccsaary, like the articulation names or perhaps more places you're updating the CPU usage on each instance, etc.. don't know...  just observations...

  • I use Cubase on Windows 10 and it makes no difference in CPU load here when the VEP window is open on my secondary screen, or when minimized.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • on the mac I am seeing 10-20% bump in CPU utliziation for both LPX and Cubase when VEP window is open.

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    on the mac I am seeing 10-20% bump in CPU utliziation for both LPX and Cubase when VEP window is open.

    It's quite normal for the system CPU usage to go up when the computer is doing more things (drawing audio meters, updating other GUI parts etc). The VEP CPU meter should stay the same, since it measures realtime thread CPU.