Once upon a time, when I said some notes in the solo strings were out of tune, the response was basically, no they are not, and if they are, be specific about what notes you mean.
Since there really ARE some notes out of tune, here finally is the beginning of a list; only mentioning those more than 8 cents out of tune. Hope to keep adding to it, maybe others will too as they notice tuning issues.
VC_stac_p1_F#3 note begins 11 cents flat, ends 12 cents sharp
VC_stac_p1_A3 note begins about 16 cents flat, rises but never gets quite in tune
Since there really ARE some notes out of tune, here finally is the beginning of a list; only mentioning those more than 8 cents out of tune. Hope to keep adding to it, maybe others will too as they notice tuning issues.
VC_stac_p1_F#3 note begins 11 cents flat, ends 12 cents sharp
VC_stac_p1_A3 note begins about 16 cents flat, rises but never gets quite in tune