Any chance of getting 0_sus versions of the strings for Opus 1 as an update? The Flautando strings in Opus 2 come with this, but sadly not the regular sustains in 1..
When researching libraries, I played rather extensively with the First edition at a (rather helpful!) colleague's studio and just loved how well the 0_sus patches played.
I suppose I could always edit and program them myself.. but officially released patches (without me having to do the work) are obviously better. [[[;)]]] [:D]
A modwheel dynamic blend version would also be nice. [[[;)]]]
When researching libraries, I played rather extensively with the First edition at a (rather helpful!) colleague's studio and just loved how well the 0_sus patches played.
I suppose I could always edit and program them myself.. but officially released patches (without me having to do the work) are obviously better. [[[;)]]] [:D]
A modwheel dynamic blend version would also be nice. [[[;)]]]