I am just now finally trying to get into VE PRO.
I have made an..."instance" that looks like this so far:
Conceptually, I don't understand how it is possible to add more to what you see here. If I click the + sign, I get a blank new "instance." But...what if I wanted to add something I already had saved? I had made a STRS instance, or project, or whatever it's called, but if I try to open that, VEP closes this whole instance the screenshot attached.
So I thought, OK, I'll add another VE PRO plug in Digital Performer, and try to add the existing STR project there, but that just gives me a new blank instance, and if I say "Open recent project" again it will close the project I have open.
I think my problem is that conceptually I'm thinking of a VEP instance as like an instance of Kontakt, that you can fill up with various "patches" all of which can be replaced by something else or added to, since they are their own freestanding items.
It seems like there's no way to add on to whatever you have created without it closing or something. Sorry for being thick here but I'm really at wits end. Any help appreciated!