Well actually all of you are right in general:
- there is the scoring and historical practice of writing slures for musical purpose
- there is the real-life technical need of some different bowing and fingering technics for slurred phrases in strings performance
- there is a strange way of referring to them by different sample libraries producers, that doesn't help people with classical or pop music background, since it seems there is not completely direct relations between samples names and theory/practice, but a bit of arbitrary descriptions by producers.
I suppose VSL did the same, and "interpreted" the "slur" definition to describe a mellow legato instead of a more defined one. I agree with some of you that the patch are more suitable for special purpose, and that's why I was asking if any English naming that perhaps I didn't know, described it.
I understand from your answers that this is not the case, and so VSL team may comment on the original intention and intended use of the patches. Will they? :)