I know the Synchron series/player is great, but I hope VSL continues recording more VI instruments with the perfected techniques of VI.
I wonder if other composers/performers here think the same? Please write in here to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
I was thinking the other day how VI-VE-MIR are some of the most perfect software of any kind I have ever used. VI allows control of every possible MIDI parameter down to the patch level and if one makes a template, there is no extra work or labor afterwards. And MIR is a brilliantly designed, elegant masterpiece that was like a dream come true for me - to get such a variety of awesome sounds so easily, just like arranging musicians on a stage.
What would be beyond awesome is another set of Dimension Strings samples to add less used but important articulations - yes I know that was grueling to create, but it is the most remarkable sample library ever created and worth it!
Also to sample some more ethnic/unusual/historic instruments in addtion to the ones already done. For example - there are no sackbuts! You HAVE to have sackbuts for Renaissance/medieval ! And a historic percussion group would be essential also - if you are doing some ancient music and you naturally want percussion - what do you do now? Modern cymbals/bells/drums?
So there are (as I am sure VSL knows) a good number of instruments that NEED to be sampled and to be compatible with the vast, incredibly powerful VI instruments that already exist.
We need picket lines formed outside the VSL studios, with people blocking traffic, carrying signs, staging sit-ins and chanting...